Unfortunately, kayaknya aku bakal unpub buku ini karena peminatnya keliatan sedikit banget.
Maaf bukannya ngasih update, aku malah ngabarin kayak gini hwhwhwhw.
Tapi aku juga punya work baru yang (doain aja) insyaAllah ga bakal aku unpub. Di check ya!
aku sebenernya udah bikin beberapa draft cuma aku bakalan rombak lagi karena ide ceritaku selalu berubah-ubah. pffft.
see you there!
(was kieralism)
The Inspectors. +PD101
Acciónyou can find them anywhere; at the prosecutor's office, at the police station, at the mall, at the park, and as I said, wherever you are. in the beginning of the day, even in the end of the day. goodluck. sincerely, kieralism.