Chapter 9

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Millie's Pov

Y/n and Finn have been taking a while, I wonder what they're doing? (😏[jk sorry]) As soon as I think that they both come down stairs, Y/n looking kind of red. I wonder why? "Hey guys, what took you so long? You weren't making out were you?" I say, adding the last but just to see how they'd react. They both turn beet red and while Y/n looks down embarrassed Finn says, "No no of course not! We're just friends guys, come on!" I smirk and say, "Ok, ok whatever you say." Adding wink at the end. This causes them both to turn redder than they were before, if that's even possible. I then give Finn instructions on where to put his sheets before we work out who's sleeping where. Little do poor Y/n and Finn know that I already have a plan for them.

Y/n's Pov

I have only just recovered from Millie's comment, I'm gonna have to get her back later. I know she secretly likes Noah but she continues to deny it. Everyone is now in a semi-circle around Millie who is assigning where everyone is sleeping. "Ok so I don't really have a plan of who sleeps where so just partner up and then we'll go from there!" Millie says. I immediately walk over to Millie and ask if she wants to be partners. "Sorry, I promised Sadie and Noah that I'd sleep next to them." She says. "It's ok, I'll ask Gaten." I turn to walk away but Millie stops me and says, "Oh I think he's with Noah and Caleb, I guess you're with Finn?" She tries to act sorry but I can see past that and I know she's laughing on the inside. "Ok, I guess." I say nervously, trying to play along with her trick. "I'm honestly so sorry." She says. I say, "It's ok." And start walking away but then I turn around and say, "You can't fool me Millie Bobby Brown, I know what you did and one day I'll get you back." I smile and turn around, feeling pleased with myself and Millie's reaction as I start walking towards Finn.

I see him standing by his bed sheets still and as he notices me he looks up and smiles. I suddenly feel less confident. "Hey, I guess we're partners?" I say, less nervous than I thought I would sound. "Yeah I guess. Sorry that you got stuck with me, I know you wanted to be with Millie." "Don't worry you're cool too! I should be the one that's sorry, you got stuck with me!" He laughs and says, "Don't worry, you're not half as bad as some others." We laugh together for a moment before we grab our bed sheets and walk over to the mattresses. We end up in this order: Finn, Me, Gaten, Caleb, Noah, Millie and Sadie on the end. We are set up in a long row with the sides of the mattresses touching. 

It is completely dark when we finish setting up so Millie starts up the fire. We all sit around the fire on the old wooden benches, talking about the most random and strange(r) things. At around 10, Gaten brings out marshmallows from some unknown source but we still find sticks and eat them because come on, they're marshmallows! We spend most of the night attempting to dance and sing along to Millie's music and laughing at each other failing miserably at our attempts.


It's now 11:30 and absolutely freezing. We have worn ourselves out from all the dancing and singing and we are slowly cooling down. "Ok guys, Caleb and I are heading to bed now." Sadie says. "Yeah we need our beauty sleep." Caleb adds. We all laugh at Caleb's comment and wave them goodnight. Shortly after Gaten gets up and goes to bed, followed by Noah. It's then just Finn, Millie and I. Finn shuffles over and sits next to me while Millie stays at the bench across from us, a smug look upon her face. I know it's because Finn is sitting next to me but she is not ready for the conversation we are going to have later about how it's never going to happen.

I'm shivering because of how cold it is and Finn must have noticed this because he asks if I'm cold. I nod my head and he starts taking off his jumper. "No no no." I say, refusing to accept his offer. "It's fine, you look like you need it more than I do anyway." He says kindly. "No honestly, I'm ok." We go on like this for a while until Millie eventually says, "Y/n just take the goddamn jumper. You look like you're going to die of frostbite any moment. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed to give you two lovebirds some alone time." Winking with the last sentence, she walks off to her mattress. I look down, blushing and when I look back up I see that Finn is blushing too. He smiles at me and hands me the jumper once again and I take it gratefully. 

After an awkward moments silence I start giggling once I notice that his jumper has 'daddy' embroidered in small, cursive writing on the right side of the chest. "What?" He asks, questioning my laughter. "Why does you jumper say 'daddy'?" He starts laughing too and says, "Oh buying the jumper was originally a joke but it's really soft and comfy so I wear it all the time now." That is how the awkward silence was killed and we spent the next half an hour or so getting to know each other better. We talked about our friends back home, auditions we've done in the past, our favourite things and for some reason, comparing our elbows.

At around 12:30 I start to feel tired. "I'm tired." I tell Finn. "Aww come here." He says, holding out his right arm. I scoot over closer to him and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer so that my head is now resting on his shoulder. I tense up for a little while but eventually relax, feeling more comfortable in this position than you'd expect. I have a little smile on my face the whole time, knowing that I'm in his arms. We continue to talk for another half an hour before Finn finally check his phone and realizes the time. "Y/n." He says. "Hmm?" I reply, my eyes half shut. "It's after one, we better get you to bed." "But I don't want to get up!" I complain. "How bout I give you a piggy back?" Now normal, awake me would have absolutely freaked out at this offer but half asleep me just replies by jumping on his back and letting me take me to my mattress. He lowers me down off his back carefully and tucks me in. I immediately snuggle up into the mattress and start to drift off as Finn gets into bed on the mattress next to me. He faces me and watches me as I slowly drift off into unconsciousness and just as I'm about to fall asleep I hear Finn say 'goodnight beautiful'. At first I think it's real but soon realize I'm just dreaming and fall into a deep sleep.

Finn's Pov

I lay her down into bed and tuck her in. I get into my bed and when I look back over at her I see she has already snuggled into her sheets. How adorable. Just as she falls asleep I whisper, "Goodnight beautiful." And close my eyes, already drifting off to sleep.



Wow! Two chapters in two days! It must be Christmas. Sorry that this chapter was a little boring but Y/n and Finn's relationship is well on the way! Also I just realized that writing a story is completely different to reading one. Anyway that's all I had to say, it's great that you guys are enjoying the book!

(P.S. Aishlynn you don't get to say 'ABOUT TIME' because it's been less than a week since I last updated)

Until next time.

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