Chapter 13

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Y/n's Pov

"Alright, costume time!" Josh says, extremely excited to see his final product. Finn has already finished with hair and makeup and his costume is on so he sits on the couch waiting for me to be ready. I walk into the 'dressing room' which is actually just a small room inside the trailer that holds our costumes for the day. I take my costume off its hanger and carefully get dressed, trying not to ruin my hair or makeup. I take a look in the small mirror on the back of the door.

I'm wearing a pair of washed out black denim overalls and a maroon t-shirt underneath. I've also got on a pair of scuffed up converses and a necklace that was a gift Megan's father gave her. It's all about the small details I guess. My hair is in a messy ponytail that took a surprisingly long time to do and my face has been cleared of any imperfections with the light makeup Josh did.

After one last look in the mirror I open the door and step out. I look at Josh first who is clapping his hands in excitement. "You look so good! I think you were born to be Megan." He says. I laugh and look at Carrie who is just as excited as Josh. I then feel an arm go around my shoulder and I turn my head to see Finn is next to me. "Welcome to Stranger Things." Finn says, my smile getting wider by the second. "Ok let's go, outside and then we have to run to the high school. We're picking up from the middle of the first episode." Finn says. I thank Josh once more and then we step outside the trailer.

Leaning on the side of the trailer are two bikes. Finn walks up to them and grabs one, Mike's bike. I walk up to the other one, a basic 80s style bike with a red paint job. The paint is chipping off on certain spots and the handle bars are a little rusty giving the bike a worn look. "Wow. This is actually happening." I say, my situation suddenly feeling all too real. "Yes it is. Don't worry, you'll do awesome." He says, reassuring me for what must be the 50th time. "Thanks." I reply, smiling. "I'll race you to the high school." He says while getting on his bike. "Wait, you ride these things off camera?" I say. "Of course." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "3, 2, go!" He says, taking me by surprise. He rides off laughing and once I wrapped my head around it I began to catch up with him.

I beat Finn to the high school by a couple of seconds and he says it's because he hadn't warmed up but I just roll my eyes and tell him it's a lame excuse. We walk into the high school and it's really weird being here in real life. Finn leads me to the gym where we will be filming the first scene of the day as well as the first scene I'm in for the season. Basically it's an introductory assembly for all the freshmen going into high school, I trip, fall onto Will, Will falls in love with me, I sit with them in the assembly, blah blah blah. Oh yeah did I forget to mention? Megan is Will's love interest.

We walk into the gym and I greet the rest of the kids who are now all in costume as well as saying hi to a couple of extras. We all just sort of sit and talk until Matt, Ross and Shawn finally get here. "Ok everyone, so the extras know what they're doing we just need to have a little chat with Noah and Y/n before we start." Ross says. I look at Noah as if to say 'what do they want?' but he just shrugs and we walk over to them.

"Ok so Y/n, we know this is your first big role and we're just throwing you into this and Noah you've never had a role like this in any acting job so we wanted to know that you're ok with it." Says Matt. "Ok with what?" Noah and I ask at the same time. "The whole Megan and Will dating situation." Says Matt. "Oh yeah its ok, it's just a big strange but I'm sure the fans will love it." I say and Noah says, "Yeah same as her." "Ok good because that would ruin the whole season if you weren't. So we're planning on filming the part where Megan falls onto will after this scene in the gym so Y/n look a little flustered and Noah make sure you look like you like Y/n ok?" Ross says. "Ok thanks guys." Noah says and I say the same before we walk back to the rest of the kids.

We're soon taking our places and getting ready to film. Makeup artists are running around frantically trying to touch up our makeup and the crew are getting the cameras and microphones ready to go. Before I know it the cameras are rolling, Shawn has said 'action' and I'm about to say my first line.


(A/N Look at your lazy ass author who can't be bothered to write anything more about being on set.)

We're driving home after a long first day on set. It's Millie's turn on the AUX cord so her and Finn have swapped seats. My head is resting on his shoulder and he is looking out at the road ahead of him, softly humming to the tune of the song Millie is playing. At some point I feel his head move so he's looking down at me. I feel his hand slowly taking mine, intertwining our fingers. A small smile creeps across my face. Maybe Millie was right, maybe Finn does like me back.

Finn's Pov

As I subconsciously hum to the tune of the song Millie is playing, thoughts are racing through my mind. Today we all saw another side of Y/n, her acting side. She really is passionate about acting, you can see how much she loves it in her eyes when we're filming a scene. I turn my head so I can see her face. Her head is resting on my shoulder which would feel weird with anyone else but with her it feels natural. Her beautiful y/e/c eyes sparkle in the light passing by us outside the car. You can see how exhausted she is but she doesn't look stressed out, she looks peaceful. She's beautiful. I have the sudden urge to hold her hand so I hesitantly begin to take her hand, tangling our fingers together. I can see a small smile form on her face and an even bigger one is shown on mine. I really like her. I sure hope she likes me back.

We stop outside the house and Y/n and I stand up and wait for the rest of the kids to leave the car before we get out and follow them. I wave goodbye to Grace with my free hand and slowly begin walking up to the house. Y/n's head remains on my shoulder and her hand is still in mine. "Do you want to eat something before bed?" I whisper to her. "No thanks, I'm too tired." She replies. "Ok I'll walk you upstairs." I say and I take her up the stairs. She opens her door and Millie is sitting on her bed on her phone. "Hey guys." She says, eyeing off our hands. "Hi." I say and I let go of Y/n's hand, "Goodnight Y/n." "Goodnight Finn." With that I walk out of the room and shut their door behind me.

I walk downstairs and find Noah in the kitchen "Hey Noah I need to tell you something, I'm not sure what to do about it." I say. "Shoot." He says putting all his attention on me. "IreallylikeY/n." I say quickly, hoping he won't hear. "I know you do." He says, "Why don't you ask her out?" "I can't, she barely knows me. It's not like she'll say yes anyway." "Whatever you say Finnlard." He says, walking out of the kitchen and up to our room.

Y/n's Pov

"What was that?" Millie asks me once Finn has left. "What was what?" I ask, confused. "That whole car ride you had your head on Finn's shoulder AND you were holding hands when you walked in here. What's going on?" "Oh yeah, that. It was nothing." "Nothing? Ok sure, it was 'nothing'." I roll my eyes and say, "It was!" "If that was nothing Finn wouldn't have left here with such a big smile on his face and you wouldn't be smiling right now thinking about it." "Goodnight Millie." I say, having had enough of her questions I roll over and ignore her. "We'll finish this conversation tomorrow." She says. "Yeah, yeah." I say and she turns off the light.



Not gonna lie, I'm not at all happy with the first part of this chapter but I've published it now so whatever. I'm thinking of doing a bit of a time skip in the next chapter so don't be mad if that happens! Enjoy!

Until next time.

just friends; finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now