Chapter 4

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Alex's P.O.V

It was only second period and i already hated this school. I just couldn't believe how much of a jerk he was. I already wanted to go back to America.

As i walked down the corridor to my next class which was science, i heard someone speeding up behind me. My heart started to race. Maybe it was the doche bag from English. The foot steps grew loader and loader and before i new it i felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I was freaking out about it, when suddenly he appeared now by my side.

He was gorgeous.

His Blonde hair was gelled up in all different places and he wore his fringe in a perfectly styled quiff. He had piecing blue eyes, which had a hint of green in them. My heart started you flutter.

He smiled at me finally getting my attention.

Oh how his smile was to die for.

"Hey my names Trey, you must be the new girl Alex right?," he said reaching out for me to shake his hand.

How did he know i was new and how did he know my name? I mean i had only been here for one period.

Ahh i hate him.

I realised I was thinking of that guy again. What has happen to me, i never used to let people get to me.

I snapped out of my daydream.

I Shock his hand with a confused look on my face.

"Yeah i am, but how did you know that?" i asked sounding a little more curious than i actually was.

"Oh I'm this schools head boy, and the rumor traveled fast that their was a new girl here. So as a school leader I'm here to make you feel welcome," he said giving me a reassuring smile.

He is so good looking.

That made me blush a little. Maybe the people here weren't all jerks.

After finally allowing Trey to walk me to my next class, i got to know him quite well. Trey is a senior here and is the captain of the schools soccer team.

I could tell by all the waves from groups of girls and the occasional hand shakes from random guys, that he was quite popular.

Trey had offered me to come to his soccer game tonight, he said that nearly the whole school goes to support and according to him, they haven't lost a game. I thought it wasn't such a good idea at first, but he soon talked me into it.

When we reached science, Trey and i exchange numbers and he ran off to class before he was late.

Head boy.


That wont look good.

This school was finally starting to grow on me, maybe i wouldn't mind it here after all. Maybe it was just that guy that made this school seem bad.

I Sat next to a girl named Ella. Ella Wood i think it was. She practically begged the teacher for me to sit with her, which made me really happy. I noticed she was wearing a Blink 182 top, which was one of my favorite bands. She was also wearing bright red jeans and Black docs. I instantly fell in love with her punk rock style. She reminded me so much of myself only she had red hair that matched her jeans. She was absolutely stunning.

All through science we would talk about random stuff, but mostly of how much she loved my top. Ella was such a lovely person and I could tell we were going to be really close.

Ella also introduced me to two boys who sat in front of us. Obviously they were very close with her.

One of the boys name was Ashton. He had dark blonde curly hair with what looked to be an Australian flag bandana  wrapped around his head. Ashton had the cutest smile i had ever seen, he had two perfect dimples on each check.

Did he have dimples?

What the hell. was i really thing about that guy from English. I quickly snapped out of it as the other buy introduced him self as well.

The other boys name was Luke. He had light blonde hair and wore his fringe up sort of like Treys but he looked more bad ass. Luke also had a lip piercing which just looked so hot on him.

Both of these boys were absolutely smoking hot, not to mention just as lovely as Ella. I could see why they were friends.

They invited me to hang out with them and the rest of the group. They said the rest of the group was just like them and that they would love me.

For some reason she kept complimenting me and saying how much she wished she had a figure like mine.

Was she crazy, I'm nowhere near as pretty as her.

The boys were so funny, they were always turning around and causing Ella and i to burst into laughing fits. They got us into trouble a few times but the boys would always take the blame.

I noticed that Ella and Luke flirted quite a lot. It was really cute actually. Aston would look at my with soppy eyes as he mimicked the two love birds.

Before we knew it the bell went off. Everyone sighed with relief. I packed my things in my bad and the four of us walked out heading for the canteen.

Thank god i meet them.

This day turned around fast.

Sorry for such a boring chapter, its mainly just to introduce a few people.

I am very sorry for the long wait, but i have been very busy.

Thank you for reading anyways,

ILY guys xx

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