Chapter 18

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Michaels P.O.V

The boys and I all sat around In Luke's room playing video games. I couldn't play though, I was to caught up on something else.

Today I seen a different side of Alex, and felt different feeling towards her. I didn't just see this perfect girl, but I see a broken but still perfect girl. I got this shape feel of anger and sorrow, like I was watching a princess suffering. I felt this need to protect her and care for her and just fix her. I was strange but I feel and know now that I'd do anything to try and make her smile and while away her falling tears. I wasn't to make her happy.

When the game finished Luke cheered in victory.

"Fuck yeah!" he yelled, "a little under the weather are we?" he said directing the question toward me.

"Yeah bro, you never lose,"Ashton said ducking down in the cabinet to find another game.

"Hmmm, sure," I replied carelessly.

A few minutes past and things were quite.

"So Michael, you and Alex aye?" Calum asked looking at me.

"What's it to you," I spat back, not knowing where Calum was going with this.

"Calm down Michael," Calum said, "I was just asking."

It may be obvious that I like Alex, but it's defiantly obvious Calum likes her too.

I shot him a glare before returning my eyes to Ashton who was now chucking in COD.

"Look Michael," Calum spoke again, but I kept my eyes on the now loading screen, "Yes I may fancy Alex, but I know you obviously have stronger feelings for her than I do and honestly I'm happy you do."

Okay that was unexpected, but before I could answer Luke butt in.

"Yeah Mike, I've never seen you show so much interest in a girl before," he said shocked, "but I kind of like it."

"Yeah, she makes you happy man, and we're just glad that there's finally someone who can," Calum cut in again, "She's a great girl Michael and deep down, underneath all that stubbornness, anger, and hair dye is that genuine good hearted guy we lost."

Even though Calum's words were hard to process, they were true. Alex has made me a lot happier and I've never felt this way about a girl before. I am lost, but for reason I think are because of her I'm slowly finding myself.

Calum walked over to me slipping a piece of card in my hand, then grinning at me and walking away.

"I've gotta go, but I'll see you guys tomorrow at school," Calum spoke waving goodbye then leaving.

Looking at the card that lay in my hand, I felt a sudden feeling of excitement and a little nervous. Many thoughts were shooting though my head. This is it, this is the start, just....

How am I going to do this?

Alex's P.O.V

I sat in my room, rethinking my eventful day.

I couldn't get over how I told Michael, everything. I couldn't believe how good it felt, how right it felt.

"Alex," Ella called but I was to dazed out to pay attention.

"Aleeex," he repeated clicking her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah," I replied being brought back to earth.

Ella, Tarnisha, Holly, and I all sat scattered around Ella's room completely bored.

"Do you want to come dress shopping with us after school tomorrow?" Ella asked twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

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