Chapter 3

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Michael's P.O.V

"Mr Clifford i see that you have finally decided to join us," i heard Mr Denson say as i walked into my first period class. I was about twenty minutes late, but that didn't bother me seeing as i never really go to first anyways.

I always had English first period for some reason every morning except for Thursday.

I hated English, i was never that great with writing and spelling or anything really. The only thing i was able to do was write music.

I would always just jot down lyric that came to my mind here and there, but apart from that i just chilled in the back while zoning out.

As i made my way to the back of the class to my desk (no one dared to sit at my desk) i noticed it was taken by some chick. I guessed she was new, i had never seen her in this class or even anywhere before. I didn't care though. That was my desk! I walked up to her standing right in front of her. She didn't seem to have seen me. I gave a small cough trying to get her attention. She immediately looked up at me.

I'm not usually the one to think of a girl as beautiful mainly just hot or sexy, but this girl was truly beautiful.

She had long brown hair which reached just below her breast. Amazing brown eyes that had this twinkle in them. I could tell she was wearing make up, but it look really good. Most of the girls from this school look like they paint their faces with it. But she honestly looked like an angel. No matter how cheesy that sounds, its true.

What are you doing Michael. Stop thinking like this.

I felt eyes watching me from all around the class.

Snap out of it.

"Your in my desk," I cringed inside at how rude that came out.

"There's a empty desk right there," she said looking at desk right beside us.

That bugged me more than it should have. I felt more eyes on me. I didn't want to back down to a girl in front of everyone.

That is my desk.

"Well sit in it then, this is my desk honey," i said now sounding like a complete doche bag. I didn't care though. I wanted my seat.

"Is there a problem Mr Clifford," Mr Denson said.

I kept my gaze glued to this chick who was still sitting at my desk. She was seriously ticking me off now. Why wont she just move.

"No sir, there is no problem," i said raising my eye brows at her.

I seen her grab her books and tuck them under her arm before standing up and moving to the other desk.

"Whatever then, have it," she said rolling her eyes and taking her seat.


When she stood up i noticed she was wearing a Rolling stones band top and black ripped skinny jeans, which showed off her perfectly shaped legs. I even checked out her ass. Wow. She surly had a nice body.

I loved her style, it was just like mine in a way.

She still took my desk.

I took my seat and waited for the time to pass. Like always i felt like it was taking forever.

Callum, who was one of my best mates since ages passed me a note hidden inside a book in case Mr Denson saw. This was like our own little thing we would always do.

I unfolded the note.

She's so hot aye ?

I Immediately knew who he was talking about. I almost cracked up laughing before i seen out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me. I looked at her and she quickly look forward.

Umm okay.

I looked over at Callum who was eyeing her up, with flirty eyes. For some reason this made me turn a little angry. What the hell was going on. I quickly scribbled something on a new piece of paper, tucking it back in the book and handing it back to Callum. In less than a minute he handed me back the book with a note in it.

Omg get over it. I told her to sit there, i didn't think you were coming to English. You never do mate haha. So cut her some slack.

P.S I think she's got the hots for you Miky.

Well I must be the worlds biggest dick in her eyes.

Good one Michael.

I suddenly realised what the last line said. Really? No way, I was so rude.

I just looked at Callum with a confused look. He just passed me another note.

She like keeps looking at you.

These words made my heart rush a little which was completely and a hundred percent weird. Was it true? Since when did i get so exited of something so silly. What the hell did she do to me.

I looked back over at her and again she quickly looked back to the front of the room.

I smiled to myself at the thought of maybe she really did have that hots for me.

I was cut out of my day dream by the sound of the bell.

I realised once again i had done absolutely nothing all lesson.

I grabbed my bag and chucked it on my back. I seen that chick trying to rush out of the class for some reason. I really wanted to apologize for being so rude to her earlier so i quickly ran over to her before tripping on the side of one of the desks. I fell forward pushing someone over. I looked down and immediately felt this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I had just accidentally pushed over that girl. I seen the name Alex written on one of her books that had fallen out of her bag. I picked it up and offering her my other hand, but she didn't take it.

I honestly felt so horrible. I cant believe i just did that.

"Oh my go-" i was cut of by her as she stood up and snatching the book out of my hand.

"What is your problem?" was all she said before running out of the room and before i could say anything else.

I dropped my head in my hands thinking of how much of a dick i am, until i felt a hand pat my back.

"Well that went well," Callum said while laughing and exiting the room.

How was this funny?

I need to fix this.

Alex's P.O.V

What was that guys problem, what did i do to him.

First it was the whole desk thing, which I'm certain he doesn't own. Secondly I'm pretty sure his mate and him were passing notes about me and thirdly, he pushed me over. Right in front of everyone.

I thought moving to Australia was a way for me to get away from jerks, but obviously not.

He had embarrassed me so much in no longer than one period.

I hate him. I hate this school already.

Thanks for reading guys, it is very much appreciated.

I am sorry if this is boring and bad and I'm sorry for the mistake made.

I really hope you enjoyed it though. Please comment thoughts or chapter requests and vote.

P.S Its my birthday. Thought yous might as well know. hehe (:

Again thanks for reading


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