our beautiful evenings

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"i can't help it

this is all i can do anyway

all i know is how to love you"


perry knew that the interlacement of their pinkies meant so much more than anyone would ever know.

bren found it hard to express emotions, perry knew this was because of something that had happened to bren a while ago, something that was never elaborated further than, "scars happen when you're naïve and sometimes scars don't heal."

perry wanted to be bren's bandage, to heal bren, to hide the bad parts of that life before perry's friendship, so they could both ignore all fragments bren left behind in club after club and stay in thier bubble, in their apartment, and watch the world only through a screen, far away enough to not be hurt by it and remain as always, close enough for bren but never close enough for perry.

the aloof smile planted sloppily on perry's face didn't go unnoticed to bren, who smiled a little wider and looked down upon perry with a grin.

they made it back to the apartment before eleven and were greeted by the silence and deadness of everything, that was until kitten decided to take a dislike to practically everything and meow and whine at the plants, scratch up the furniture before sitting poised beside perry as if nothing was wrong.

the apartment had been before, that is before kitten happened, actually quite clean in the two's standards.

there were only two and three quarter rooms, that's all that could be afforded; the kitchen equalling about half of a room so that if the two were to both stand it in side by side they'd surely be stuck, wedged together for the rest of time.

the kitchen contained a table whose fourth legged wobbled, a sink which gargled like some sort of charybdis as the water drained down it, cupboards everywhere, which come to think of it, were completely superfluous considering the two kept nothing more than noodles, some cutlery, an ancient pasta sauce stain and bren's chipped mug that was hand painted when perry had taken bren to a pottery painting day a couple years back, had it been bren's 19th?

the toilet was a quarter of a room and was just a shower, looking more like an alien hibernation tube in perry's opinion, the toilet, sink and yet another couple cupboards.

the lounge and kitchen connected, sort of. it was odd walking from one room to the other, going from the openness to the squished in seconds. their own apartment juxtaposed itself, bren had remarked on this on the day they moved in, being a major in english and sarcasm.

however all of this order was now in shambles thanks to the little hairball of fury recently adopted into the family.

neither of the two could be bothered to tidy the trashed apartment and so they left it in disrepair and settled down to watch whatever bren could stand.

they sat closer this evening, both of them could feel a change in the atmosphere, a change in the air, it was strangely sweet and thick with cat fur. for once in forever, bren wasn't focusing on the television with a scowl, instead admiring perry sitting cross legged and playing with the cat's dirty paws.

"kitten." bren found it strangely warming how both perry and kitten responded, looking up at bren with big eyes and plump lips which soon spread into wide smiles, baring baby teeth.

kitten came, in leaps and bounds, claws outstretched and digging into bren on contact while perry sat for a while, not daring to look up into two sharp and icy blue eyes.

"kitten." bren repeated, this time more forcefully, and catching perry quickly stealing a glance. perry's slight, and it had to be said, adorable frown lifted and perry slowly slithered to where bren was.

this evening was a first for all; it was the first time kitten had been owned, the first time bren had called perry anything other than boring perry or sometimes pears, the first time the two had snuggled together and perry had finally gotten enough of bren for that evening.


"it's okay to get hurt

i'm alright, even if i can't have you"

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