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To upper east siders who stumble upon the scandalous life of Manhattan's elite. Sick of dealing with the press Billionaire and Heiress Claire Hayton thought of a plan to have fun.

Victoria Paige by day, Duvae Bridget by night

She created a life where she can breathe and be free to express who she really is without the paparazzi following her every step and mistakes while throwing shade.

A life where she work and walk on every run way and wear the latest collection of her mother's company that she will, one day run. In addition to that no one knows who she really is! It's silly but it worked.

The people who worked there didn't know that billionaire Claire Hayton would be same Heiress of the company. They thought that she would only inherit her father's business because of her issues with her mother that the press says.

They underestimated her and assumed that a close family member would inherit the company instead.

In fact they didn't know that Victoria Paige is the Heiress that the other models dislikes and bullies because she wasn't as skinny as bones and gorgeous like them.

Their endless gossips and rumors on how stupid and clumsy she is during backstage, how hard she tries to look like Claire Hayton just to feel like a million bucks and that she got plastic surgery on her face to look like her; saying it was the only reason she got the job in the first place or better yet the rumor about her sleeping with the producers.

But Claire didn't care at all and just wanted to enjoy the moment of her freedom.

In fact she was very smart about it and though how crazy this is, no one suspects a thing and just made rumors about her!

She knew they were envious of her so she did not give them the satisfaction they want by putting her spirits down.

She likes the way her body looks. In fact she is drop dead gorgeous and every guy on earth would stop and stare.

Every show the company has, men only anticipates when will she be on next and when she is, they would all whistle and clap loudly for her on the run way.

She wouldn't dare and think to change anything at all.

She is confident and bold that it showed on the run way making her the star of the show because stupid rumors and gossips that weren't true didn't bothered and held her back at all -unlike the other models.

In addition to secretly working at her mother's company, she knows more than what her mother knows about the company like for example;

the small fiascos their company has,

what it is really like,

who slacks around their job and who she will fire when she takes over.

In addition she finds inspiration and have fun on the run way in the afternoon instead of being locked at her office with nothing to draft for the next collection in the morning and with nothing to do but the usual boring business stuff that seems to be a big issue to everyone except for her -she could fix anything right away.

So when that worked out.

She was delighted that she could finally express what she really loves to do instead of doing boring business stuff and faking grace in front of the press.

Now, She wanted to taste freedom like a normal person and have a breather as Duvae Bridget.

It was like using a fake I.D to get into clubs at night.

Only this time without the clubs and it's for real.

Her life became a dream!

She wasn't followed or stalked by the paparazzi, she could eat out and watch movies in cinemas without being disturbed and if anyone suspects she just shrugs it off and says it's a coincidence (it works every time!)

but how could she have known how tricky this path is, when you are caught up with 3 lives that only her best of best friends knows of and of course joined also with the plan.

Enter James Beaumont, The man who dated Duvae for four years and cheated on her.

Angry, Confused and Heartbroken Claire runs away and never looked back to the life she created as Duvae.

little did she know that when you try to run from the past. It just doesn't catch up, it over takes and blots out the future.

So what will happen when they accidentally meet again after a few years as the person she really is and to learn that she is now married to some handsome but cold billionaire because of a long remembered deal between two families to force their alliance in the industry business?

Her husband, Hayes Dalton, the powerful billionaire who got everything he wanted in life, the looks, wealth, power, fast cars and women.

He travelled with his private jet in different continent every week to negotiate business all over the globe.

His godly looks and reserved attitude made women chased him more. He had everything he wanted in just a snap of his fingers... Everything except for Claire Hayton whose face seems to be strangely familiar to him.

Lost and unsure of what to expect after her first encounter with Hayes.

He was called for to finish his work abroad for 6 months but only to return with things are far from no different as before except the fact that they are now married.

Neither knows how to accept their new relation.

That is of course, till Claire's ex comes back in

She plays her game... Then again what happens if it isn't about the game anymore when the game itself played her?

After all males are possessive creatures, whether they show it or not.

This is the part where things starts to get messy and secrets will be revealed...

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