Seven Months Ago... (Unedited)

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Seven Months Ago
6:00 AM

I sat up on my bed half-awake when Allison knocked on my door

"Hey Claire!"
"ye?.. I coughed off my croaky morning voice and tried again "yeah?"

"I thought you were ready one hour ago! What the hell.. Come on you have to get up!"

"What are you talking about? I have been up for hours!" I said while yawning and falling asleep again.

There was another loud knock on the door
"God, Alright I'm up!" I said while rubbing my eyes and stretching

What time is it? I want five more minutes

"Claire, you have to get ready or else we'll be late!"
Of course, ready... I said to myself still in bed

"ready for what?" I replied still hazy

"For your wedding day!"

There was a brief moment of silence in the air

My wedding day

oh, right

"my wedding?!?" I opened my eyes awake in realization and glance at my beautiful wedding dress across the room.

There was a sudden surge of excitement that ran through me and I squealed

Holy Crap that's right I'm getting married today!

I got up and pulled myself out from my bed excitedly and started my morning routine.

I stumble upon the bathroom mirror and my eyes widened when I saw the state of my hair is! I laughed at the sight and ran my hands through the tangled strands of my ombre hair, I wonder what will my husband's reaction would be when he wakes up next to me...

I bit my lip at the thought of his surprised blue eyes and the smirk he makes when he is about to laugh

and with that, I stepped away from my hideous morning reflection and hoped into the shower, the hot water hitting my body was so relaxed my muscles.

Life isn't that bad I thought to myself.

I know it's not right to build a relationship when the other person doesn't know your true identity but I only did this to be who I really am, to be free and have fun without the worry of getting kidnap or worst! The paparazzi following me everywhere and by everywhere, I mean it.

I didn't expect to fall in love along the way either. Hell I didn't expect any of this to happen.

James and I first met outside the streets of New York Palace Hotel when he accidentally bumped into me, causing me to almost trip and embarrass myself, good thing I have fast reflexes from those awful self-defense lesson that my parents forced me to take just in case someone tries to kidnap me.. again.

So anyways... when the douche didn't even bother to say sorry and tried to blame me for what had happened when clearly he was the one who wasn't paying attention because he was on his stupid phone!

I rolled my eyes heavenwards and shut him up by kicking his ass.
I made him face the ground and got his stupid suit all dirty and even stole his phone when he wasn't looking.

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