Benefit of the Doubt

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"Claire Antoneite Victoria Hayton! You shouldn't have done that! Running away from your parents and escaping from your fiancé isn't a good idea." Alison greeted me with a stern expression on her face ushering me inside and helping me with my bags.

"In my defense he is not my fiancé. I don't want to marry that maniac anyways..."

"Is Claire there?" Lauren shouted from upstairs.

"But, I thought you already agreed with your dad with this whole marriage thing months ago." Alison said looking so confused.

"I didn't know that I'll be marrying an arrogant sex starve playboy. I couldn't even remember how I got home that day! Besides I only agreed what my parent said, or else they'll get mad at me about some stupid rivarly I might cause."

"Claire!" Alison glowered at me

"Hey believe me! I'll show you the pictures and write ups about that freak. Here I gathered these since dad reminded me about this dreadful marriage last month and I don't even know who he was or what he looked like. I thought they already forgot about it." I protested.

I opened my shoulder bag and took out my iPad to show her some write-up blogs and gossips I found on the internet about Hayes with pictures of his arm around different girls, mostly models and celebrities and kissing them in different places.

"It says here that he changes his lovers every week. He is only interested in casual sex, and scared of commitments. See? He is clearly a player!" I whined

"Are you guys talking about me?" Daniel said at the top of the staircase making a grand entrance with Lauren

Me and Allie both glance up at them descending down the staircase, looking like a glamorous hollywood couple until Lauren almost trip and fall ruining the moment! Lucky for her Daniel was there to catch her.

Me and Allie was silent for a few seconds and was glancing at each other when the we both saw the position Daniel and Lauren was in. Are they in a relationship?

Everyone was silent for a moment and we could see that they were blushing.
To break the awkward silence Allie burst out laughing and elbowed me to laugh too.

They both glanced at us and abruptly let go of each other

"Hey, that would have hurt you know!" Lauren exclaimed in response still blushing, while checking her heels if it was okay. Daniel was still recovering concerned that she had hurt herself, he put his hand near her waist. "Besides Vanessa wouldn't go out with guys who use cheesy pick up-lines" she said wiggling her eyebrows to us, eyes glinting with excitement when she finally recovered her balance and with that Daniel let go of her waist and shrugged

"Oh come on Lo, I thought we stopped doing that when it didn't go well with Claire's relationship" Allie complained, changing the subject

"Hey don't you go changing the subject on me!" Lauren dramatically said jokingly while she snatches the tablet of my hands.

"So who's the hottie?" Lauren asked eyes fixated on the Ipad.

"This is Claire's fiancé who she's running away from today because she thinks this gossips are true!" Allison continued... while Lo snickered and elbowed me of the thought. "Listen to me Claire, you are a smart girl, and how could you believe such lies? Most of the stuff they write isn't true! Moreover you were also a victim of their mischievous write-ups!"

"Well I don't know about you but these are all true! All of them say the same thing. He is a player! I have made my mind and I won't be marrying that maniac!" I protested once again

"Still, You should have at least met the guy Claire. Imagine what Lucas and Eleanor feels right now, they must be very worried and disappointed at you." Lauren said

"Lo... I thought you were on my side!"

"Don't be silly! We are always at your side, but you have to realize that this marriage is important to your family. Just think about it; He seems like a nice guy and he is very rich! Every girl sees him as an eye candy and envies you because you are lucky you're marrying him. Plus he has a cute butt!"

"Easy for you to say, You're not the one marrying him! Besides I don't find him attractive at all! I hate that friggin' smirk on his face and that sarcastic smile he makes in his pictures. I could tell he has an arrogant side!" I said, pacing in their living room.

"At least have the courtesy to meet the guy, get to know him better then you can decide later if you want to marry him or not." Allison reasoned

"Yeah Claire! Tease him a little for fun while you're at it. We all know Allie is always right." Daniel commented impatiently I rolled my eyes at his response and scoffed

"Stop it you guys! I won't be meeting him, ever. They will force me to marry him right away... Besides I want to marry someone that I love." I said quietly

"but I'm sure you will fall in love with him eventually" Lauren cooed

"You guys are not helping me at all... If ever that happens, I'm sure he will only see me as one of his mistresses, an object or his maid at home who accompanies his needs. I know he is the type of man who will not fall in love and settle down. I sighed as I shook off the thought of us having dinner silently.

"What are you talking about? You know he is a businessman and extremely rich and popular. Obviously people will want to talk about him. Besides, when you get married, I'm sure he will change." Allie said

"I don't think so" I said wearily.

"Oh gosh We're gonna be late! Just think about what we said. Met the man, get to know him, then decide if you want to marry him or not." Lauren said

"Okay, Fine! I'll think about it. For the meantime, can I stay here with you guys for a couple of weeks?"

"Of course you can!" they all said at the same time and pulled me into a group hug.

"It will be just like when we were in high school!" Lauren beamed at me as I laughed in response.

Gosh I miss my best friends! Life must be an awful, ugly place to not have best friends.

"Thanks you guys, I'll make sure to call my parent's later." I smiled at them

"Ok then, We got to go and I promise this is only for fun!" Daniel said holding Lauren's hand and scramming for the door before Allison could catch them.

"So, do you think they are dating?" I asked Allie

"I'm not sure.."

End Of Chapter 6
a/n: what do you guys think? chapter 7 will be up soon!

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