Ch. 22 - Adam Spends Time With Angel's Friends

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That night Adam called her, exactly when he said he would, and they ended up talking for hours. Angel wasn't always a phone person, and when she told him he confessed he rarely talked on the phone either unless it was to someone who actually lived far enough away he couldn't speak with them otherwise, but somehow it was easy to pass the time on the phone with each other.

He told her about his parents and their divorce, which gave her a better understanding of why he was always so rigidly controlled all the time. They talked about his mother's new husband and life in England and his father's long-term girlfriend whom he refused to marry although they'd been living together long enough they might as well have, and a little bit about his brother. She got the impression he rarely talked about Brian, and almost never about his death. Instead she heard about them as children, playing pranks and accidentally sending each other to the hospital while practicing their wrestling moves.

And in return she told him about her parents and their rather eclectic lifestyle growing up. Percy's impatience with his family, her brother Captain Captain and his ship, and the camping trips her dad used to take them on. Mom would come too, but she wasn't a camper, she just enjoyed being with her family, even if it was out in the middle of nowhere, but dad thrived on it. Adam just laughed, sounding much more relaxed than she'd ever heard him.

By the time the phone call ended, they'd made plans for him to come over for dinner on Thursday. After she'd spent the night out, and considering the way things had gone down on Saturday, she wanted her roommates to be able to get to know him. He'd sounded a little hesitant, as if he still wasn't quite comfortable with the idea of her living with three guys and had hoped to kind of ignore that fact, but Angel wasn't having any of it. Adam wouldn't be the first to be taken aback by that, but she had found it was best to push for acceptance from any man she was dating. Otherwise it was just the big pink elephant in the room no one talked about.

She'd gotten the impression he was trying. Especially in terms of Mike, who she had noticed Adam hadn't really spoken to at all last weekend. But the important thing was Adam was trying, and since he was obviously feeling possessive and a little jealous, which she had to admit she kind of liked, she was going to give him full points for trying.

It probably did help that Mike was now in his own apartment. Angel was honest enough to admit if the shoe was on the other foot, she probably wouldn't like the idea of a woman staying with Adam, even short term. But he was going to have to get used to her roommates, because she wasn't moving.

They ended up talking on the phone all evening Tuesday too, despite the muttered imprecations of her roommates outside her door. She knew they were a little worried, because she'd never spent quite this much time on a guy so quickly, but Adam made it easy. Fun. And a little sexy as he would send her flirtatious text messages throughout the day and tease her on the phone in the evening. She flirted right back, of course, and sent him a picture of her in the red leather outfit, which she was planning on wearing again the next time they went to Stronghold.

Which would hopefully be that weekend.


When Adam's phone rang at eight thirty on Wednesday night, he picked it up without looking at the caller I.D., assuming it was Angel.

"Hey sweetheart."

A masculine chuckle greeted his response. "Well hello yourself, sweetheart."

Rolling his eyes, Adam went back to rolling out the dough he'd been working on. He'd told Angel he'd bring a dessert for dinner at her place tomorrow and he'd decided to make a pie using the recipe Justin had given him. Made from scratch, filled with peaches, and hopefully both delicious and impressive.

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