Ch. 26 - An Argument

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The morning after involved going to a nearby diner, a lot less conversation and a lot of vows about never drinking that much wine again. Afterwards Angel went over to Adam's. To her surprise, he wasn't at all interested in going to Stronghold again that night, even though Rick went. Instead they ended up curled up on his couch, watching Condor Man, one of his favorite movies from childhood. It was silly and ridiculous and a lot of fun. And after it was over he took her up to his bedroom and paid her back for every single teasing remark she'd made during it.


A week later, Adam was sitting at the Stronghold bar, chatting with some of the Doms who were there while he waited impatiently for Angel. Not that she was late, he was just feeling impatient because she'd spent the evening before and all of today with her friend Leigh. He'd gotten a lot done around his house but he'd missed her presence. It had only taken a couple of weeks for him to get used to having her with him all weekend.

They'd had another good week together. And he was still trying to convince himself all the smooth sailing wasn't a bad thing. Just because it kind of reminded him of his parents and the way his dad had thought everything was fine when it really wasn't, that didn't necessarily mean something was wrong. Maybe everything really was fine. Sometimes he felt like there was no possible way one of them wouldn't mess things up. Maybe this was why he hadn't had a real relationship in a while, the risk to his heart was high. The more invested he became in her, the more worried he became something was going to go wrong.

"Hey man, can I talk to you for a second?"

Adam swiveled around on his stool to face Patrick. Excusing himself from the other Doms, he and Patrick moved away towards the less populated side of the bar, closer to the entrance. Since Andrew was running late, everyone was down on Mistress Lisa's side of the bar.

Just then, Angel came in through the entrance, her face lighting up when she saw him, followed by Liam, Hilary, and Michael. The tall lanky Dom hadn't been to Stronghold in a couple of weeks, Adam realized. Angel had mentioned he was busy most evenings. Although he'd been showing up and doing good work at his temp position, Adam had already been contacted by the company Michael was currently contracted to. They liked him a lot.

He was pleased to realize it didn't bother him at all that Angel and Michael had shown up at the same time. Smiling back at Angel, he waved a hand at the others as his pretty little sub came and snuggled up under his arm. She was wearing a soft dark green velvet bustier, rather than one of her corsets, and a short black skirt. While he liked her corsets, if they were going to play then the bustier was a lot easier for him to get into. Last week when he'd chosen her outfit he'd known she was surprised he'd picked something was almost modest. Not that he didn't like the blatantly sexy as well, but he knew she would choose that on her own, which made him want to see her in something slightly different. Today's outfit was almost a mix between the extremes.

"Hey sweetheart," he said, brushing his lips over her forehead before turning his attention back to Patrick. "So, what's up?"

The big man's dark eyes flickered over Angel and then back to Adam. He raised his eyebrow, pulling at the scar across his cheek. "This was the last week of you being out of the Introduction Scene rotation; I wanted to know if you needed to be taken off permanently."

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