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  It was as if the universe had wanted them to meet.

  She wasn't supposed to be there, if not her friends had pulled her out, nor was she supposed to look there unless her eyes had been following the butterfly.

  She noticed him sitting under a willow tree, book in one hand and a pencil in the other. His perfectly sculpted eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as his eyes scanned over the pages, occasionally taking notes from here and there.

  His white hoodie made the olive tone of his skin glow with a kind of vibe that made him look nothing less than gorgeous under the sun. A lock of dark hair fell upon his eyes, which he impatiently brushed away and focused back on his book.

  The scene wouldn't have caught Lilia's attention if that had been any other day. If that had been any other day, she would've shrugged off the stranger and walked away. But right then, she couldn't. There was something in him that she couldn't quite place a finger upon. And she was determined not to move until she figured out exactly what was pulling her attention towards him.

  Even the smallest of his actions, like chewing the end of the pencil or him nibbling on his bottom lip made her heart flutter. She couldn't look away. She couldn't even take a breathe properly. He made her feel unsteady.

  "Lia? Lia?"

  Lilia's eyes snapped back to her friend, Rosalie, who had a hand planted on her hip and an eyebrow raised. "Who is that?"

  Giving the boy another quick glance, Lilia shook her head. "No clue."

  "But I bet you wanna have one, yeah?"

  When Lilia rolled her eyes and called Rosalie out for being an idiot, their other friend, Samantha, joined and gave Lilia a little nudge on the shoulder.

  "Cutie at three o'clock. Looking at you."

  Before Lilia could have a control over her actions, her head turned towards the boy, who was indeed staring at her. She blushed as their eyes met, ducking her head down and looking away almost instantly. But she couldn't pretend that the contact hadn't happened. Not because her heart was beating loud enough for everyone to hear it, but because her friends were 'ooh-ing' and 'ahh-ing' loudly.

  She sent them a subtle glare. "Cut it out, you two!"

  Samantha, who was seconds away from jumping up and down excitedly, let out a laugh. "Oh, c'mon! We've been waiting ages for you to get yourself a hottie."

  Rosalie nodded along. "We were really worried about your future, you know. But no more! I can finally think of the names for my God-children."

  "Don't you think that you're stretching it a bit too far? I only had once single eye contact with him."

  "What do you think about the name Lilac?"


  "Or we can use Sophia. I've always loved that name."

  "Samantha, please-"

  "Oh, I know, we can name her Rosantha, which would include both of our names."

  "Why is your part of the name at the beginning? I want to name her Samanie."

  "Oh, please. I'm the godmother. Like hell you're going to name her that!"

  "Nobody made you the godmother."

  "Well, I did. That should be enough."

  "Guess what? It's not."

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