Special dedication

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  MaiDonnie - for being the best friend I'd forever treasure.

  tasfianeel - for being the reason of my smile at the end of the day.

  Rahnumaa - for being the person I'd always look up to.

  03reen - for being the best pair of twin I know.

  nawarlove13 - for listening to me whenever I blabbered out my ideas like an idiot.

  kimjin_luv - you might not remember, but you said something that kept me going, and I can't thank you enough for that.

  Spellboundforever - for being one of the most encouraging people out there.

  CrimsonBlush - for being the coolest, Tasi!

  mushfiqua - for asking me if I'm gonna publish something again (might seem like nothing to you, but that was an inspiration).

  ChocoFillsandberry - your support in my first story were a blessing.

  noomahfairuz - for loving the things I loved!

  SoujiHikari - I don't need a reason.

  Human_eat_e - you might act like you hate me, but I know you don't😉.

  hepburnettes - if not for you, I wouldn't have fallen for dramione.

  Love, Tamara.

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