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Alec had been the most eligible one of his team to get into the navy.

He had always loved the sea, which made being a navy officer his dream job. The day he had gotten home with the news of his recruitment was the day Lilia had seen his the most happy. Okay, maybe he was the happiest during their wedding, but the aforementioned day came a close second.

He had burst through the door, ran towards Lilia who had been stirring something in the kitchen, picked her up from behind and spun her around. Then, without giving her a chance to ask him about anything, he put her down and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

When they had come up for breathe, Lilia couldn't help but giggle when she asked, "what was all that?"

Taking her hands in his, Alec gave Lilia a cheeky smile, the blue in his eyes lighting up like thunder in the midnight sky. "Guess what?"

"Someone patted you on the way home?"

He rolled his eyes, but the sparkle wasn't lost. "Creative. But seriously, guess."

Lilia totally knew what had happened, because she was confident that Alec would be the one to get recruited. He had excelled in every single task, had the attention of a hawk, a fast learner and basically perfect for every job. "They finally realized how awesome you are and-"

Before Lilia could finish her sentence, Alec had dipped his head down to capture her lips in a heated kiss, silencing her and conveying his happiness through it. Smiling against his lips, Lilia loosely wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with the same fervor and intensity.

But before things could lead to something else, Lilia broke way and looked deep into his eyes. "You deserved it more than anyone."

He let out a chuckle and stole another kiss. "Thank you."

"I'm so happy for you."

And she had meant that. Alec had finally been able to live his dreams. A year or three later, after he had skillfully proved his efficiency, he was made the captain of the big and beautiful ship named 'Eternal', something Alec was seriously proud of.

Lilia didn't know it back then, but that had been the start of her misfortune.

With every passing day, Alec's presence in the household started decreasing. And when he had to go out in the seas with his ship, that had been another story. Lilia didn't mind at first, telling herself that it was his job. But when it came a time that she had to seen him once in every three months, she was irked.

But she kept her mouth shut.

Every two month, he'd get a vacation of fifteen days, and sometimes, rarely, of a whole month. Both Lilia and Alec tried to make the best of that time.

They used to tell each other how they'd get to go on a honeymoon on Alec's ship, as they couldn't go on one when they had been married because of financial problems. Lilia used to close her eyes and see herself on the deck, wearing a beautiful white dress and a hat, holding on to Alec's hand and just staring off at the sea, enjoying the beautiful sunset as they soaked in each other's presence.

But that never happened. Alec was taken away before he could even get back home for his holiday.

The night before he was captured and taken as a hostage, Alec had called Lilia, apologizing for not being able to be home when Daisy was terribly sick. Lilia had been so mad that she had screamed at him; yelled at him for not being the father their daughter deserved.

Daisy had almost gone into shock from her fever. The stress that had gone over Lilia for that week had been almost unbearable, more torturous than she could've ever imagined. She had been so scared for her daughter's life, having to deal with all that alone. Even Samantha had been out of country that month and her mother was still recovering from Lilia's father's death.

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