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 A/N: Happy New Year, you guys! And oh my god, it's only been five days but 100 new year gift ever! ❤❤❤

Lilia had changed her clothes thrice and redone her makeup and hair.

  Well, you couldn't really blame her, could you? That was her first date with Alec and she was beyond excited for it.

  The final outfit she had settled upon was a simple white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and that was after she remembered that Alec had asked her to wear something comfortable.

  As she was the only child, her parents had gushed over the fact that she was going out on a date, before they got serious and gave her 'the talk'. It was way awkward and Lilia had been fidgeting all the time, but she managed to clamp her mouth shut and nod along everything her parents had said.

  While staring at her reflection in the mirror, Lilia ran her fingers through  her dark brown locks and wondered how it'd feel to share a kiss with Alec. She could bet that he was a great kisser. He had the lips.

  Alec was...everything Lilia looked for in a man. He was funny, sweet, caring and simple. He wasn't extravagant; he was completely down-to-earth and honest,

  Alec wasn't pretentious. He always seemed to know what he was talking about. And needless to say, he made Lilia's heart flutter in a thousand different ways and she loved the euphoric feeling.

  When one of her fingers got caught in the tangle of her hair, she decided to tie them up in a ponytail. But just when she reached down for the comb from her dresser, her mother's voice rang out from downstairs.

  "Lia, your date is here!"

  "Uh," Lilia grabbed the comb and an elastic, "just a minute, mom."

  She hurriedly made a ponytail, gave a glance at her makeup, grabbed her shoes from the rack and raced down, hoping to get there in time to save Alec from her father.

  But she had been too late.

  Her father stood in front of the door, not letting Alec in like he should've and talked to him with such an intimidating stance, it made Lilia do a double take to check on Alec.

  Yup, he was breathing just fine.

  Lilia kissed her mother on the cheek, put on her snickers and darted towards the door. She was a little bit out of breathe when she reached the boys.

  "Dad," she said, too cheerfully, "what did I tell about trying to scare Alec?"

  Her father crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm not scaring him." He then looked down at Alec, fixing him with a glare. "Am I, Mr.Frost?"

  Alec, who was visibly sweating, gulped, "er, no, sir."

  "See?" Keeping his glare in place, Lilia's father said, "now, I expect her to be back in thirty minutes."


  "Well, forty, then."

  Lilia looked back her mother helplessly and silently begged for her aid. Laughing, her mother walked up to her father and placed a hand on his shoulder. She then looked at Alec and smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, honey, Lilia's curfew is ten pm, but half an hour here and there wouldn't be a bother."

  Finally, a grin made its way into Alec's face. He nodded. "Ten-thirty, ma'am. That's a promise."

  Her father huffed. "Listen here, kid, if you dare hurt my daughter, I'm going to drag you and feed you to my pet greyhound alive."

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