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  Tying her brown locks up in a ponytail, Lilia started doing the dishes, while humming to the song playing on the radio.

  Being the only person in the house meant that she had to do everything by herself, but it was a slight relief that the workload was less. After her tear episode in the morning, she had finally been able to calm herself down, got freshened up and made herself breakfast.

  As it was a Sunday, she didn't have to bother about her job, which was, without a doubt, a massive relief. She loved her job, but when the mornings started like that, going to work really seemed like a pain.

  Lilia didn't want to think about her dream, but she couldn't help it either. It had been long since she had thought about that particular Friday of the year 2003, but as it had suddenly attacked her dreams, there was no keeping it away from her head.

  She could still clearly remember how he looked like. She still wanted to run her fingers through his hair, just like the urge she had felt almost fourteen years ago. The tips of her fingers itched to get that smooth and thick locks through them. She remembered the feel of the clearly.

  Lilia made herself a cup of coffee, poured that into the one of the matching cups he had once given her and walked out to the balcony. The slightly cold late autumn breeze blew, making her go back for a sweater. She put on one and came back to the balcony, pulled out a chair and sat down.

  She loved mornings like these. When the sun was only half up and the chill air ruled the weather. The choice was peculiar, she knew, as most people preferred the sun, but it never bothered her. She was always so comfortable with herself, with her choices and preferences.

  And that was the first thing he had said to her.

  As Lilia took a sip from the warm, bittersweet coffee, she let the reins of her memories go free. She knew that she'd end up crying, but those memories were all she had left. She was only surviving with them.


  "I admire you, you know."

  The seventeen year old Lilia jumped up at the sudden voice, her coffee sloshing in the cup. She had just gotten a fresh cup and put herself down on the library chair to relax when he had come up and interrupted her moment of peace.

  Not that she was complaining or anything.

  He smiled at her, making nervousness burst in her heart. To hide the flush in her cheeks, Lilia lifted the cup to her mouth and took a generous sip. She then looked back at him, trying to muster up the confidence she lacked.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "I said I admire you."

  Admire. Such a strong word. And Lilia was sure that there was nothing special in her to admire. "Do you, now?" She asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow at him, "and do I get to know why, Mr.I-don't-even-care-what-your-name-is?"

  He chuckled, and only one word could be used to describe it - rich. "It's Alec. Alec Frost."




  "This is usually the part where you introduce yourself."

  "Oh, right," Lilia laughed sheepishly. So much for not being stupid. "I'm Lilia Phillips."



  They looked at each other, before a small laugh escaped Lilia. Alec laughed too, then shook his head. "That was the stupidest introduction I've ever had."

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