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  "It doesn't mean anything, Lilia."

  Lilia furiously blinked back some tears and tried to make sure that her voice didn't reveal whatever emotions she had been feeling inside.

  "Is it," she took a deep breathe, steadying herself once more before continuing, "is it because my parents aren't as rich as yours? That's what it is? Some petty excuse to maintain your image?"

  Alec's face was clouded heavily by anger and it was as if rage was pouring through his eyes. "Is that what you think of me? Do I look that cheap to you?"

  "Then tell me why you wouldn't let me meet your parents." Lilia took a step forward and lightly grabbed on to Alec's arm. "I want to meet them, Alec. I want to know that we're serious."

  "Weren't these four years of dating serious enough for you? Why do I need to prove myself over and over again?"

  She gave him an incredulous look. "This isn't about proving yourself, you moron! Doesn't it strike odd to you that even after dating you for all these years, I don't even know how your parents look like?"

  "You know exactly how they look like," Alec turned away from her, slowly pulling her hands away from him, "you've seen their pictures."

  Lilia went silent. Her skin crawled with an eerie sensation as she felt  everything falling apart. She felt as if all the memories of their four years together were slowly fading away into the thin air, dissolving all her feelings into a mush of confusion. She couldn't decipher what was happening, but she knew that she was, ever so slowly, losing control over her life.

  Alec had built his walls up so high that it was impossible for Lilia to reach him. She had known that his family didn't approve of her, because they believed that Alec could do better - which meant that he could get someone with a higher social status - but Alec never distanced himself from Lilia.

  However, right then, Lilia could practically feel Alec slipping away from her fingers. Lilia choked back the wave of tears that was strong enough to knock her off and quietly said, "I don't understand."

  "What do you not understand, Lilia?"

  There was it again. Lilia. He had never used her full name before. He always called her 'Lils'.

  "I feel like," she paused, searching for the correct word, "like you're trying to get rid of me."

  Alec didn't say anything to that. And his silence proved his guilt.

  Taken aback, Lilia staggered away from him, a hand put over her thumping chest. She couldn't believe that was happening to her. They couldn't just...fall out of love.


  "Do you," the pain he was going through was evident in his voice, but Lilia didn't say anything, "do you think it's wise for us to be together?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You're not naive, Lils, goddamn it!" Alec spun around and faced her, his eyes blazed with fury. "My family hates you. I know that. You know that. Then why are you so adamant about meeting them? They'll destroy you at first sight. They'll destroy you and then destroy me."

  "If you think that I'm going to leave you over your family's views, you're wrong." Determination flashed across Lilia's eyes. She was so not giving into Alec's bullshit. "I love you, you hear me? Nothing's gonna change that. Not even what your family thinks."

  "I respect their opinion, Lilia," Alec mumbled loud enough for her to hear it. "I can't possibly go against them."

  Lilia wondered where the Alec who had fought for her went. His family had always caused trouble to them, but Alec had never left her side. He had always been optimistic, ready to take over whoever tried to stop him from being with Lilia. But that Alec seemed like a distinct memory then.

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