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  She played with the diamond ring that was shining on her finger, still bright and fresh, just like the love they had promised to each other.

  Tilting her head to one side, Lilia observed the big and expensive princess cut diamond that sat on top of the platinum band, silently chuckling to herself at the cliché touch of it. Well, who was she kidding, her whole life had been a goddamn cliché.

  Up until Alec's disappearance.

  She was sitting with a cup of green tea at her balcony, mindlessly looking at the dark figures of birds heading home in groups after a long day. The afternoon sky was a beautiful fusion of orange, purple, baby pink and a tinge of blue, a mess of colours, as if stolen from an artist's palate. A vague silhouette of the moon hung on one side, prepared to shine brightly within the next hour.

  The road in front of her apartment was buzzing with people returning to their families, creating a kind of chaotic environment that Lilia quite liked. She wasn't the one for crowds, but watching people hurrying to return to the comfort of their home had become her new favourite past time after Alec was taken away from her life.

  If he had been home - granted, even if he wasn't taken, he'd be home after every two months -the both of them would've been preparing snacks at that time of the day. Or they would've been telling each other how their day went and laughing at the silly moments.

  Lilia sighed and toyed with her cup. A tiny ting echoed when her ring bumped against the glass, making a small smile slip out of her lips and look down at the promise band.

  Today was the day, she thought, staring off at the fading colours of the sky.


  "I don't think you need to -- ouch, Alec -- this really is too much -- ow, I bumped into something again."

  Alec chuckled, unaware of the streak of pain that seared through Lilia's leg - a very blindfolded Lilia, mind you - and led her through the mass of tables. Lilia knew that they weren't the only ones in the room, for she could hear voices around her; some whispering, others chuckling.

  She was, least to say, very uncomfortable.

  "Alec," she hissed, "where are you taking me?"

  "Good things come to those who wait, Lils."

  Lilia knew that she wasn't getting anything else out of him.

  They stepped into a balcony of some sort - Lilia had guessed that from the sudden drop of temperature and the slight smell of autumn leaves - when Alec had helped her into a seat and took away her blindfold.

  Squinting at the sudden brightness, Lilia tried to adjust her vision. When the previous discomfort had faded away, she took in her surroundings. Her breathe caught in her chest.

  They were seated at the rooftop of Sybaritic, the most expensive restaurant of their city. And also a place visiting which had been Lilia's dream for ages.

  "Alec!" She exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes. "I don't -- how can you afford it?!"

  After Alex had made the decision of not leaving Lilia, his family had kicked him out declared him as disowned. They made up after that and continued dating, and since Alec was broke, he shared the cheap apartment with Lilia.

  But nothing came in the way of their happiness.

  Not even their financial crisis.

  Alec waved her worry away, lifting up his glass as someone poured some wine - expensive! - into it. "You don't need to worry about anything tonight. Just enjoy."
  Lilia couldn't possibly just enjoy!

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