chapter 5: paranoid and possibly missing man parts

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He left. Ha. This man was bluffing.  Psh. Whatever. Today I am going to visit my friends Shea and Sori.

They've been there for me through everything. Shea is 20 years old and runs a bakery. Her business is going well. Sori is a therapist. She's on maternity leave because she is very pregnant. She is 21 and married to her long time friend Ford.

As I was walking to the café, I felt funny. I saw this guy in this car watching me. As soon as I looked at him,  he pretended to read a magazine.

Oh my word. I have no idea what to do.  Anyways I kept walking.  I heard footsteps behind me.  But, when I turned around,  no one was there.

Maybe I am just paranoid.

I kept walking on. I had this gut wrenching feel that something bad was going to happen.

Sudden the  man who was watching me put a rag over my mouth.  All I remember was him saying he was sorry and he wasn't going to hurt me.



Goodness.  I thought Shana would've been here by now.  I need to call her.

Ring Ring.  Hey it's Shana. I can't get to my phone right now.  But leave me a message and I'll call you back.  Have a blessed day!

Shoot. I was sent straight to voice mail. Something isn't right.

"Shea. Shana isn't answering her phone.  Something isn't right. "

"You're right.  Let's see if she comes back within the next few days.  If not, we call the police station ok?"



I woke up to darkness.  I was in a bed. I was in a small bedroom.  Oh no. Did he rape me? Are they going to kill me?  I kept flooding my mind with awful questions. 

I just remained silent.  I could here that guy who took me on the other side of the door.  All I heard was bits and pieces.

"Yes sir. I have her......Yeah...She's sleep...No..........She was terrified Luke......uh huh-"

As soon as I heard the name Luke, I was furious.  Oh best believe that when I see him, I am going to chop off his balls.

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