Chapter 1

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                                                                                 ~Chapter 1~

Ring ring.

Emma stirred and stretched her arm from under the blanket and picked up her phone. She rubbed her eyes groggily before glancing at the caller ID. Her eyes widened and she sat upright. She answered it. 

"Hello." her voice rang out confident and sharp.

"Emma dear." the voice on the other end acknowledged her, sounding weary almost.

"Mrs. Cosgrove." she chirped.

"How are you dear?"


"I,er, have some news for you."


"Emma dear. It's Christopher."

"What about him?" her eyes softened.

"He's, well, he needs you right now."

"Of course! I'll be right there." she said even as she got out of bed.

"No you don't understand. He, well," Mrs. Cosgrove cleared her throat, "He's been making some very wrong decisions."


There was a weary sigh on the other end before Mrs. Cosgrove uttered the words that shook Emma to the very core and made her feel as if someone had punched her in the stomach.

"He's getting married."

"I see." Emma said simply. She had been taught ever since she was a little girl never to react strongly. It was simply not lady like.

"I'm sorry dear. He only just asked her to marry him and they've already decided they're getting married in 3 weeks. You have to come here and talk him out of it. After all, you two..." her voice trailed off. 

"Who is she?"

"Oh she's someone he met through a friend. She only just graduated high school. I don't know what's gotten into him. Her name's Cheryl Walters. Oh you must come here Emma! The wedding's at our country house in Edinburgh. We're all going there tomorrow."

"I'll be there by the day after tomorrow."


"Goodbye Mrs. Cosgrove."

"Goodbye Emma."

Emma hung up and then picked up her laptop. She booked one ticket to Edinburgh and then closed it, stowed it away and began to pack.


Ever since Emma could remember, the only interactions she'd ever had with her mother were when she corrected her ways.

"Sit up straight Emma! That is not lady like!"

"Emma you are getting fat! You need to join a gym!"

"My you look so pale! Go get a tan!"

So when she called her, she couldn't help the curious ache in her stomach that she always got from anxiety.

"Hello Emma."


"How are you?"

"Good. And you?"

"Oh the boutique in Paris is a mess really. I don't know how these imbeciles claim to have all the experience they do."

"Oh I see. Mum I have something to tell you."

"Well hurry up dear."

"I'm going to Edinburgh for a few weeks."

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