Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

There had been very few times in her life that Emma had been at a loss for words, had been rendered completely speechless. The first time was when she had been told her father had passed away in eighth grade. The second had been when she had found out Christopher was engaged. The third was on this occasion of a slightly different mood.

Ethan Cade was not only one of the most handsome men she had ever encountered, he was also her ex. And worst of all, he was accompanied by his hound that always seemed to be after her blood.

When she had seen Grace step up out of the car escorted by him, she had been rendered, nay, knocked speechless. Though seeing Ethan itself had not been a very pleasant sensation as memories of their not-so-mutual breakup surfaced, it was the hound that truly terrified her.

When Ethan and she had brawled in a drunken state, with him announcing repeatedly that she had broken his heart and that he would never forgive her, she had slapped him. Not meaning to, of course but she had been extremely drunk. The large German Shepherd had pounced on her causing her to get 3 stitches on her hip. Even afterwards when she had met Ethan completely by accident in the park, the German Shepherd, Bruno, had chased her for miles till she managed to climb a tree and continued snarling at her for quite some time before a smug looking Ethan had called him back.

She immediately let out a squeal and ran to her room, locking it securely behind her. None of them had seen her. She had simply been peeking out the window of the dining room. But she still could not afford to take any chances. What if Bruno was now strong enough to break through glass? Goodness, he was gigantic. And his growl had served as background score for many a nightmare of hers.

She cursed herself for having gotten herself into this mess. Now the objective was not how to keep Jake away from Grace but rather how to keep herself away from Ethan and his dog.

A loud knock on her door made her jump. Slowly she creaked the door open and peeked to see a wide eyed Cheryl standing outside.

"Where were you? They're here!" she said in an urgent whisper.

"I know." Emma whispered back.

"Well why aren't you coming out? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"Er, no I'll pass."

"What? Emma you promised."

"Well, Grace's 'friend' is my ex and his dog is out for my blood. Forget the stupid promise!"

Cheryl's eyes widened. "Are you serious?" she asked in a hushed tone.

Emma nodded miserably. Cheryl let out a low whistle but her expression changed when the thought of her brother's misery crossed her mind.

"But you have to keep Grace away from Jake! You promised!"

"Fine!" Emma stormed out of her room in a huff.

She spotted the blonde, petite Grace chatting with Christopher in the dining room. "Grace." she threw a quick smile in her direction.

Grace smiled back but looked like she was racking her brain to remember where she'd seen Emma if they were indeed as familiar as her greeting indicated.

"Emma Raphael." she extended her hand with a smirk playing on the corners of her lips, "Jake's girlfriend."

Grace paled slightly at her words but quickly composed herself once more. "I'm Grace. I have a feeling you already know who I am." she said with an embarrassed smile. Emma noticed her eyes darting around the room probably in search of the man they spoke of.

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