Chapter 9

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“Jake. Psst… Jake. Jake wake up!”

He was awoken by a series of annoying nudges to his cheek with the whispering of his name refusing to cease.

“What?” he growled keeping his eyes shut.

“I need help!”

“Go away!”


“Unless someone needs an urgent surgery to be performed immediately, do not wake me up!”

“It’s worse than a surgery!”

Growling he threw the covers off of himself and sat up in bed finally looking at Emma. His breath caught in his throat at what he saw.

She was dressed in a sleeveless night dress that ended slightly above her knees. Her hair was slightly tousled as if she had just woken up and he had a hard time forcing the thoughts she triggered, away.

“What do you want?” he managed to say.

“Today’s the bachelor party and you need to look better than both Christopher and Ethan.”

He picked up his pillow and threw it at her causing her to nearly fall off the bed.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

“Being you.” He said simply picking up the pillow, placing it on the bed and laying his head on it once more.

“You little-” she snarled as she pulled it from under his head and hit him with it. He in turn, picked it up and threw it at her again. She dodged it and picked up the other pillow near the head of the bed. She threw it at him and he jumped on her and pinned her down on the bed. She burst out laughing as she struggled to escape his grasp. Picking up the pillow with one hand while keeping her in one place with the other, he hit her with it and jumped off. She shouted and picked it up, all the while laughing and hitting him as he tried to dodge it.

“Ok, ok stop!” he said finally, lifting his hands in defence and chuckling.

“Fine.” She said dropping the pillow in her hand.

“You can raid my closet if you want now.” He shrugged throwing his closet doors open.

He was suddenly attacked from behind by a cackling Emma as she hit him repeatedly with a pillow. He turned, snatched it from her hands and defensively pinned her against the wall with her hands on either side of her face.

“Only a coward attacks from behind someone.” He said grinning.

She burst out laughing and leaned her head on his shoulder trying to control her fit of giggles. He couldn’t help laughing, listening to her futile attempts at stopping her giggles. She finally looked up and smiled at him. He moved away immediately letting her hands drop to her sides. God, looking the way she did, he wanted to make sure he didn’t end up doing something both of them would regret.

She quickly turned towards his closet and sifted through his clothes. “God you’re so messy.” She said folding clothes as her inspection continued. “OCD much?” he muttered under his breath receiving a sharp glare in reply.

“Ok how about this?” she asked pulling out a white band collar shirt and grey pants.

“Are you kidding me?” he asked his eyes widening. “It’s a bachelor party! We’re going bowling, and then we’re going to a club! I’m not going looking like I just came back from work!”

“You can wear formals anywhere and look good! God! Men!” she exclaimed sifting through his clothes once more.

“Alright this then.” She said pulling out a grey shirt and black jeans.

“You just can’t go with a t shirt, can you?” he said rolling his eyes.

“This is as casual as it gets with me Mister!” she shouted throwing the shirt at him. He caught it.

“Fine.” He shrugged.

“Well try it on! I want to see how it looks!” she exclaimed crossing her hands over her chest.

“Well go out then.” He pointed to the door.

“Oh don’t be childish! I’ll just turn around. Hurry up! I haven’t even decided my own outfit for today!” she argued as she turned around to face the closet once more.

She heard a sigh behind her followed by the shuffling of clothes. She let her mind wander as she folded some of his clothes and stacked them neatly. He was a puzzle to her. To date she had never found someone so… unaffected by her. Her beauty was something, she had been told since she was little, she should take pride in, and she did. She was used to seeing men do a double take when she walked by, or at least give her an appreciative glance. But here was this annoying geek who never even gave her a second glance. He had refused to kiss her and even when she had been in a hurry and walked into his room wearing only her white silk chemise, forget admiring her; he had thrown a pillow at her.

She wasn’t sure why it even bothered her. After all, she wasn’t here to impress Jake, she was here to impress Christopher. And that she would do, come hell or high water.

Deciding it had been long enough, she turned around and froze. She hoped to God, her gasp hadn’t been too loud.

Jake stood before her in only his black jeans, struggling with the collar button of the shirt in his hands. Despite herself, she let her gaze wander over his lithe body. He had a lean figure with slight muscular definition and it was intoxicating. His biceps caught her attention as he struggled with the shirt and she found herself wishing there was some way she could tear her gaze away from him. Looked like the basketball had paid off.

When he noticed a pair of eyes on him, he looked up and was surprised to see Emma looking slightly breathless. “I didn’t say you could turn around.” He frowned, “And are you ok? You look a little sick.”

She shook her head and walked towards him. “Give me that!” she said in an annoyed tone as she snatched the shirt from him. “What’s with you?” he asked backing away slightly.

“Nothing!” she snapped, still blushing from being caught looking at him.

She unbuttoned the collar button and handed it to him. “Here, put it on!” she said. He pulled it on and buttoned it up swiftly. “Well?” he asked expectantly.

“Yeah it looks fine.” She said blushing as she glanced at him. He looked fine alright. Mighty fine. Goodness what on Earth was she thinking? She had to get out of here and quick.

“You sure you’re ok?” he asked again curiously.

‘Yes.” Was all she managed to mutter as she spun on her heel and strode out of his room leaving him to stare after her slightly confused.

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