Chapter 5

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~Chapter 5~

Emma sat sulkily beside Julie after having rattled on for nearly an hour about how she should never have relied on Jake for her plan. "It's been 3 days and he still refuses to talk to me. Even Cheryl talks to me and he doesn't! What's his problem?" she snarled. Julie shrugged as she thoughtfully munched on a chocolate bar.

"I hate him! He's so full of himself! Like "Oh look at me. I'm the bride's perfect brother with perfectly gorgeous dark eyes and a perfect deep voice. Oh and I'm sooo good at what I do. I'm a perfect cardiologist.' Stupid stupid!" she exclaimed flailing her arms dramatically.

Julie burst out laughing. "If I didn't know you better Em, I'd think you were in love with him. What's with the perfect everything speech?"

"Oh shut up." Emma sulked.

"Well have you tried to apologize?"

"Why should I apologize? I just told Cheryl the truth. If anything, he should thank me." she haughtily stated as she flung her hair back for emphasis.

"Well you shouldn't have let her know in the manner you did. Cheryl is pretty sweet. Don't look at me like that, you know she is. She couldn't hold a grudge if her life depended on it. So Jake's just looking out for her, that's all."

Emma hated the fact that Julie was right. Everyday they would have this conversation and everyday Emma would refuse to apologize. But she realized she was running out of time and needed to act fast if she wanted her plan to work at all.

"Fine. I'll apologize." she said with a frown plastered on her face.

Julie smiled at her and gave her a little shove. "Go on then." she said pointing towards the back of the house.

"Where is he?" Emma asked confused.

"I saw him in the basketball court a while ago." Julie clarified.

Emma nodded as she strode out of the house towards the back where there was a swimming pool, a basketball court and a tennis court. She saw a tall silhouette dribbling a ball, darting and then jumping and dunking.

She cleared her throat but he continued to ignore her. She coughed daintily but still received no response. "Jake!" she finally called out, infuriated.

He stopped dribbling and turned. Sweat dripped down the side of his face which he wiped away in one swift motion with his sleeve. Though his countenance was of concentrated nonchalance, his eyes betrayed his distaste for what he perceived. "What do you want?" he said in an even tone.

She strode towards him confidently and outstretched her arm. "After much deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that my manner the other day was slightly, er, tactless. I could've revealed the truth to your sister in a better manner. But nevertheless now that it is out in the open, let bygones be bygones and let's make amends."

He stared at her with a cocked eyebrow before an incredulous smile spread on his face. "You're serious?" he asked.

She nodded curtly.

"Was that an attempt at an apology?" he burst out laughing.

She stiffened, failing to find anything wrong with her manner.

"God you always say these weird things claiming they make you sound lady-like. Well is social awkwardness one of the attributes of a lady, ma'am?" he asked batting his eyelashes mockingly.

"I'm really trying here Jake." she said through gritted teeth.

"Well try harder." he shrugged, the smile vanishing from his face as he turned away from her.

She stared at him agape. "Excuse me?" she sputtered.

He turned to face her again, a dark shadow on his face. "My sister is naive and extremely sweet, always trying to see the best in people. Heck you could say all you wanted to her, and she would still find a reason to forgive you. That's who she is. But that is not who I am. You were terrible to her, and you did it on purpose. She may have forgiven you but if you want me to, then you have to sound more sincere." he snarled before turning away and continuing his game as if it had never been interrupted.

Emma stood there motionless. She had never in all her life been spoken to in such a manner. Not by her boss, who absolutely loved her work. Not by her professors at college. Not by her tutors in her 14 years of being homeschooled. Never. She gulped uncomfortably, turned on her heel and nearly ran back into the house.

That evening at dinner, she completely ignored Jake. In fact, somehow she found herself so affected by the events of the day, she completely ignored everyone. She would give curt short replies if someone asked her something and then continue eating wordlessly. Julie had tried to ask her time and again what was wrong but she refused to say anything.

After dinner, as everyone sat around talking or playing cards, Emma got up and excused herself. As she walked out of the room, she heard footsteps behind her. She then heard a girly voice call out to her "Emma do you have a minute?"

With a soft sigh, Emma turned and looked wearily at Cheryl. She seemed slightly nervous as she fidgeted with her fingers. "I- I think I might've made a mistake." she finally managed to say.

Emma peered at her curiously but said nothing. "Oh God!" Cheryl exclaimed as she buried her face in her hands, "I don't know what to do!" Slightly alarmed, Emma put a hand on her shoulder unsure of how to react.

"Emma, I- I invited Grace!" she managed to say before she looked up at her warily as if expecting her to berate her for it.

Emma nodded in confusion.

Cheryl continued her panicked rant, "She was a good friend of mine and it felt strange to not invite her so I did but I didn't expect her to say yes! And the worst part is she's bringing a 'friend'. A male one. And from what I hear, he's very good looking. Oh God what have I done!"

Emma nodded, still completely unaware as to the identity of this Grace who was bringing a hot date.

Cheryl looked up in confusion at Emma's calm demeanour. "You do know who Grace is, right?" she asked uncertainly.

Embarrassed, Emma shook her head. "Didn't Jake tell you? Grace is his ex!" Cheryl exclaimed.

Realization dawned on Emma as those words left Cheryl's lips. "The one he broke up with a month ago?" she asked curiously. Cheryl nodded, biting her lip nervously.

"Emma she arrives tomorrow and I know it may sound impractical but I need you to keep him away from her as long as possible. Even though he doesn't show it, I know for a fact he's not completely over her and I don't want him to be upset." Cheryl cried.

Little did she know that she was referring to the man Emma hated with all her being at the moment. "And er, you know, just let her know how happy you two are." Cheryl added shyly.

It took great effort on Emma's part not to roll her eyes. "Yeah sure." she shrugged.

She turned to leave but Cheryl held her wrist, stopping her. She turned back, slightly annoyed to look into Cheryl's pleading eyes. "Emma please do this for him, and for me. He's a great guy Emma. I'm begging you. Help me out here." she pleaded.

Emma wanted so much to tell her she couldn't care less about her or her stupid brother but an annoying voice in her head egged her on to agree to Cheryl's request. Her silly conscience's annoying voice. Most times she was quite good at shutting him up but today he seemed extra persistent and she found herself saying the words she regretted immediately after.

"Don't worry about it. I will."

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