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Thirty seven.
Looking around I took in the chaos before me, the rowdy crowd that filled the compound. Music pumped from every speaker in the place, causing a pulse to move through the floor, up through our shoes and set itself into our souls. The place was alive with electricity tonight, for good reason too.
Thirty seven years old. 
I took another pull of my beer moving my eyes around the room, skimming over the many people in various stages of having sex. They were easiest to see, pressed to the walls or on the couches, they was oblivious to anything around them but their need in that moment. Looking further I notice the several stages of drunk the women were at. All of them had gone well past the "I still have my morals" stage but then again, I thought while taking another pull of the beer, the women that were present tonight probably didn't have many morals to begin with.
Thirty seven years old.
I shook my head before finishing my beer. It was a time of celebration but my head wouldn't sort itself out. Lucky for the girl on her knees between my spread thighs, my body was having no issues in responding tonight. Looking away from her blond bobbing head I nodded to a girl by the bar, knowing she would get me another beer. Sure enough she smiled with delight before walking into the kitchen, no doubt bragging to the other girls about getting the President of the club a beer.
Typical of the wannabes that hung around the club, wanting in but were never going to be old lady material. They served their purpose to the men several times over though. Not that I was looking for an old lady anyways, the thought of only one woman in my life didn't appeal to me. I've seen the damage one woman can do to a man, I have no interest in subjecting myself to that.
A beer was put in my hand but I didn't look her way as I gave a slight nod, effectively dismissing her. It took her a while before she got it and trotted off. Damn wannabe bitches.
Taking a sip I pushed the girl from between my legs, tucked myself away and moved from the room, sliding through the bodies of people dancing and fucking. Nothing seemed satisfying tonight.
Making it outside into the darkness and cold I walked beyond the crowd that had spilled out into the back garden. Going out far enough into the garden I was alone but not too far that I was subject to those having sex at the end of the garden. I light a cigarette and looking up at the moon, facing the side wall of the compound.
"Mate what are you doing?" Came from behind me but I didn't need to turn to know it was Zip stumbling up. I took a pull of my cigarette before passing it off to him as he came to a stand beside me. He took a pull.
"Just thinking." I said drinking from my beer bottle.
"Fuck That! It's your birthday, now it not your time to be thinking. Look around you man, all these people are here for you. The bitches are watching your every move waiting to be the one or two you grab for the night. Man, stop thinking and go sink into one of them, already." he laughed, taking another pull before handing me the cigarette back.
"Is the cargo moving?" I asked giving him further information on what was in my head.
"Pres, we've moved plenty before, this will go smooth as shit. Same as always. It's moving first thing at six, you don't seen Smiles and Dive for a reason, Fox. They're sleeping so they can move that shit first thing, get home and congratulate their Pres on his birthday." Zip shoved his shoulder into mine. He was my right hand man, I had recruited him in as my vice the minute I had become president of the club all those years ago.
"Good to know." finishing off the bottle in my hand I could feel the drink slowly working it's way through my system but I wasn't near finished for the night.
"Mindy has parked her ass naked in your bed by the way." Zip commented. Mindy was a girl who grew up in the biker world but was more of a biker slut than an old lady, and I could say that with certainty because she had worked her way through most my men over the years.
"Won't be going near my room for awhile, it's only three, early hours yet." I commented back and heard him chuckle.
"Let the bitch sit and get cold." Zip had never once touched her and said he never would. He wasn't picky when it came to his women, however he always claimed he didn't need her brand of skank in his bed. Me, I was a little less worried as to who joined me, as long as they always left afterwards I didn't much care. Looking toward the house I saw the Taylor twins eyeing me up from their spot near the door. Each one in a tiny skirt and a bra, they twirled their hair around their fingers simultaneously as they smiled knowing over at me.
"Go get'em. Never know they could be the one... or ones." Zip laughed before walking away, well aware of where my focus was gone.
"Never going to have that." I mumbled more to myself, full aware I didn't want that type of settlement in my life. Dropping the bud of the cigarette I waked toward the twins thinking them and Mindy together could do wonders in turning my night around, at least for the next few hours. I would  have to see who would do after that time.
Thirty seven years old, tonight was my night, I have whatever I wanted at my feet.

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