chapter fourteen- Til my bones collapse

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"You haven't needed me on a run in ages, why now?" I sat beside Fox in the car as he drove. We'd been driving for hours.
"You're needed for this one. You haven't been needed for the rest." He said simply. I turned back to look out the window. It had been a few days since Aurora left, Smiles still hadn't returned. The athmosphere in the club was like nothing I've ever felt before. Greta and l felt as though we were walking on eggshells and any minute one of the men could turn om us.
"It's fading." Fox suddenly said before clearing his throat, shifting in his seat as his eyes moved from me back to the road ahead. I frowned, my mind not catching up with the sudden veer in conversation.
"What is?" I asked and watched his eyes narrow on the road ahead.
"Your neck." He spoke roughly and I turned swiftly from him to look straight ahead as well. The hickey.
"Yeah... yeah it is." I stumbled over the words feeling tension rise in the car as the night replayed in both our heads. I turned and opened the window letting in some air. Fox chuckled behind me. Without moving my gaze from the window I ignored him.
Silence surrounded us and after what felt like another hour we pulled up outside a mexican resturant. It looked high end from the outside.
"C'mon." He said,getting out of the car. Zips bike pulled up beside Fox. They both stood waiting for me. By the time I had rounded the vehicle a hostress was holding the door open. We walked straight through the kitchen into a back office. This felt like deja vu.
The man sitting at the desk was beautiful, he had  eyes that drew me in from across the room. I involuntarily gasped, watching the man tilt his head regarding me and felt Foxs eyes snap to me. His hand handed low on my back, possessive, as he pressed me forward.
"Please, sit. Welcome." The man spoke and his voice was like liquid warmth running down my back. I shivered in my seat, feeling Foxs hand, which he had placed on my leg, tighten. They began their discussions and I found myself drifting off in my head my eyes landing on the mans desk and staying there.
"No." Registered with me and my head shot up at the tension that feeled the room. It was Fox who had spoken.
"I want her answer." The man across from me spoke, his beautiful eyes piercing me. I froze.
"She isnt for sale here." Fox spoke and I jerked in shock. For sale?
"What?" I whispered out without thinking and watched the mans eyes darken.
"Would you stay, my love? I want you if you'll have me." His words made me shivers and again I felt the squeeze so tight from Foxs hand I almost winced.
"I... I appreciate the offer. It's a very... kind one but I'm afraid I'll have to refuse." The room stilled at my words and I got a feeling you didn't refuse this man. He leaned forward in his chair.
"Fair enough, beautiful. Dinner?" He asked me. "I'll rethink the deal at dinner and I might find it suits me." He spoke to Fox before turning back to me, humour hidden in the depths of his eyes and it clicked with me how clever this man was. He clocked the vibe between Fox and I immediately and was toying with Fox. I would almost put money down that he was talking the deal either way.
"Ok, dinner." I spoke in the silence and then nearly choked on the fury that raced through the room.
"Tonight?" The man smiled at me. I looked to Fox who was glaring at the man. He nodded slowly. Returning my gaze to the man I spoke.
"Nowhere fancy, this is all I have with me." I said and the mans returning smile could drop panties.
"Dont worry, I'll have something delivered to the hotel." He said breesily. "You've got a good one here, Fox." The man nodded to Fox.
Fox rose swiftly and moved us fron the room. "Tonight." He called over his shoulder stifly. He barrelled us through the restaurant into the car. Zip hot on our heels. Not a word was spoke thr while drive to the hotel ten minutes down the road. Nothing was said as we got rooms, got into the elevator and went upstairs. It wasnt until we were in our room that I felt it coming. The war on my hands.
Fox stared daggers at me. So sharp I almost checked to see had they cut me. I threw my hands up.
"What? I'm helping you! You said you'd need my influence, I'm delivering." I said defending myself. He shook his head slowly.
"You dont know." He said slowly.
"Know what?" I asked watching him.
"You have no idea what I want to do to you right now." If I had thought the man early made me shiver, I was wrong because the goosebumps that broke along my skin was like nothing I'd ever felt before. A knock hit the door, "Delivery!."
"Yeah well, I've got to get ready so save it." I said bravely, turning to the door and opening it. I wish I felt half as brave as I sounded.

"So why dinner with me?" I asked Nico who sat across from me in the restaurant we were in earlier. He shrugged.
"You're beautiful, I knew the minute you left I wouldn't see you again and I always get what I want. So I took it." For an intense man, he was quite nice, all things considered.
"You were taking the deal anyways." I said back and he nodded as he picked at his food.
"Indeed. But I knew he wouldn't let you join me for no reason." He said back.
"He's not exactly happy I'm here now." I said back and watched him laugh across from me. He truly is a gorgeous man. I took a sip of my wine.
"I dont imagine so, but I also don't care. If you're staking a claim you stake it fully." He said inclining his head to me.
"I'm not his." I said back and watched him smile.
"Exactly my point, beautiful. Exactly my point. Mind you, dinner might just tip the scales. " he looked at me thoughtfully.
"Im going home soon. " I blurted out. "Im assuming you know who I am." He nodded with a sweet smile.
"My dear, our world will talk about this in years to come. No one who cares about their family will ever be stupid enough to cross the Savages again." He picked up his wine and took a sip.
"Enzo isnt stupid. He cares about us." I said back and watched his eyes raise to me.
"He may do, but not enough. Or not smart enough because if he was smart when he stole he would have protected the four women who belong to the main men in his club better. His sister, his old lady, his right hands girl and sister? He should be greatful it was the Savages who he stole from and not someone else. Someone else might not have left you all in the good state you're all in. It's my belief two of you are already back home?" He asked and I nodded unsure what to say.
"That's why I respect that man. Fox is clever." He added and I frowned.
"In what way?" I asked.
"Because he showed our world not to fuck with his men or he'll take your world right out from under you. He also showed everyone that he'll be considerate with any issues. Giving you all back? Unharmed? Considerate. He's winning respect left, right and centre." He sounded highly impressed and I'd never thought of it like that before.
"The end game is what we're all waiting for. Half of us are considering dropping Enzos deals just to see what Fox does... now I'm tempted to pay what's left to see will Fox let you go..."

"Thank you for tonight. Dinner was interesting. " I said standing outside the hotel. He inclined his head.
"You're most welcome it was my pleasure." He spoke and before I could react he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. A sweet brush of lips.
"Until I see you again, beautiful." He nodded to the doorman to get me in safe. I traveled up the lift in a daze. I pushed the key card into the door and the light went green. The dorr shot open before my and I was dragged inside. I found myself flat on my back in the bed, the room dark around me as Foxs body pinned me down. He was breathing harshly in my ear.
"Fox?" I whispered.
"He fucking touched you." He growled out, each word a bite. "I saw him. You let him." The words were carved from granite. Harsh and angry."How far did he take it? In his car?" He growled right into my ear. I shoved him, outraged.
"Fuck you! Im not easy!" I snapped.
"You don't have to be to let him have you." He snarled pressing me further into the mattress.
"Im not talking about this." I shoved again and with a sharp curse Fox dove in to kiss me. It wasn't gentle, it was rough, claiming. A possession of a kiss. One hand fisted into my hair while the other slide down my body to slide my dress right up and off me. It went flying across the room, slamming into the far wall before falling to the ground. My bra joined it not a second later. He mouth and hands attached to me once again, one tight against my scalp, the other working between my legs.
"Fox." I panted out, unable to stop myself.
"Fiachra. You call me Fiachra." He rumbled before sucking on my neck, moving his lips down to my chest. I moaned out loud. I couldn't take it the sensations moving through my body were like nothing I'd ever felt. No one had ever touched me like this before.
"Fiachra I'm...wait...I dont think..." I moaned out as his lips left my chest to move to my ear.
"Go with it, little bird. Let it take you." he growled a completely different way than before as I did exactly what he told me to do. I let it take over me and it was glorious.
His lips returned to mine and he kissed me sweet as I got my breathing under control.
"Sleep." He whispered tucking me close to his side, half under his body, coccooned. He threw the covers up over us.
"But... what about you?" I asked but he just pulled me closer.
"Sleep." He whispered against my forehead again and although I wanted to fight the heaviness of my eye lids, I found myself drifting off not seconds later.

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