chapter three- pedal to the medal

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"Ugh.." I grunted rolling over slowly onto my back as I came awake.
"Careful, sitting up, Ria. He hit you hard." Gretas voice came from my left. I blinked my eyes open to look at her. Hesitantly I pushed myself up to sitting, my head spun with the movement, a throbbing pain settling in behind my eyes. I hissed at it's presence, I couldn't see it but I could feel the right side of my face was swollen and sensitive.
"Where are we?" I asked looking around the room. Four concrete walls stood tall around us, only a small bit of light getting in from the rectangular windows near the ceiling.
"Some sort of warehouse, we are assuming." Aurora answered glancing around the place. "I'm sure it's filled most of the time, no way they have a room this big that just sits empty." she finished looking back at me, her expression grim.
"Have they been back? Are any of you hurt?" I asked looking them over.
"No, shoved us around a bit on the way but you're the only one that got a belt. He didn't fucking need to do it either." Cecilia snapped.
"They hooded us, we've no clue where we are but, my guess, we aren't near their compound. A shed this big going unnoticed as well? We're well off the beaten track, well hidden." Aurora commented. " They want us for a reason. They aren't going to make it easy for the men to get us back." she shook her head in disgust, hiding the fear beneath it. I felt that fear she was feeling, it was settling itself into the pit of my stomach.
"There's someone out there." Greta nodded to the far door, the only entrance to the room. My guess, this room was a side room off the main section of the building. I couldn't imagjne they would put us so close to freedom unrestrained, unless they were certain we couldn't leave. " I've heard them talking a bit, hushed tones but they've laughed a few times." she finished looking at me.
"They haven't come in? How long have I been out?" I asked and as soon as I finished my sentence I heard it, as did the rest of the girls. The tell tale sound of bikes, and a few by the sounds of it, approaching the building.
"Shit." the word tumbled from Gretas mouth before she could contain it. I saw it then in her, and felt my own rise dramatically, fear. Fear was clear on her face as Greta stared at the door. We held our breaths. I could feel the air still around us as we all locked eyes on the door, nothing capable of deterring our attention for even a second.
The bolts on the outside of the door, a good amount of them, were thrown back before the door opened and the men from the room earlier filled the space. Not a minute ago the room had felt big, but now it felt claustrophobic. They spread out, leaning against the walls, dragging in chairs and sitting on the chair backward, resting their arms on the back of the chair, facing us. Each one had their eyes on us. The President stood tall at the front. His right hand, the man that had grabbed me and hit me with his knife, leaning against the wall near him, the other men slightly behind them.
"So ladies, tell me. How's Enzo?" the right hand man laughed. I felt the tension rise in the girls. None of us spoke. "Come now, I just want to know how he is because I can tell you, in a few hours time when he gets fed up ringing his pathetic excuses of men who aren't answering their phones because right now they're probably dead, he will eventually decide to send someone else in and will find out his precious girls are missing and I can assure you, even if he isn't great right now, he isn't going to be happy then." he laughed again and I had a sinking feeling he could be insane.
"Damn right he won't be happy, you'll be fucked when he finds out." Greta snapped disgusted and I felt it. Mistake number one on our part had been made. I felt it settle into the room as each mans gaze sharpened in on her. Right hand man dropped his act and I saw his expression clear, bullshit wiped clean.
"But that's just it isn't it? We didn't realise, not at first but can you imagine how... interesting it was to find out we didn't just get the Presidents old lady but also his baby sister... our question know stands to be... who is who?" his voice is soft and instantly I don't trust it. My gut screams at me that this man is someone who is capable of doing horrific things and sleeping like a baby after it.
"You've given yourself up, love." He taunts Greta, smirking at her, "Of course his old lady is going to jump to his defence straight away. So now we're left with figuring out who the precious sister is... any ideas, Pres?" he looks toward the man in the centre of the room and with him, I do to. I could feel my heart racing, my head screaming through the headache, silently begging the girls to not give us away. To not give me away.
The President of the MCs eyes are glued to me, unwavering. Fuck.
"Your man stole from us." He voice was calm, collected and strong. A voice that demanded to be heard even when it was silent. I felt the girls freeze at the new information we didn't know but finally clicked everything into place with what had gone down at home this morning.
The situation went from bad to ten thousand times worse. I held my breath.
"This is how it's going to go," right hand man spoke again taking the attention of the girls back to him but I couldn't move my eyes from their president. His eyes were locked on Me, blank as a new canvas, giving nothing away.
"Your man has caused quite a few problems for us and see, we are simple folk, we don't like complications and set backs. We work our business to avoid that. Your man has fucked that for us." he almost sounded happy as he spewed off his speech but none of us were fooled. The severity often situation was hitting us and hitting hard.
"Now ladies, you tell me if you were us, what would you do in our situation?" he asked and silence followed. We all stared at him unblinking. A gun clicking into loaded brought our heads around to look at the men leaning against the far wall. Each one of them had drawn a weapon, be it a gun or a knife they were each holding something.
Holy shit. I could feel myself hyperventilating.
"Ladies?" his voice was mocking, " I asked a question. I'd like an answer." his voice was dead serious by the end of it. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. It didn't help.
" angry." Cecilia stuttered over the words, a tremble overtaking her body that I could see from where I was, a few feet away from her.
"No no, sweetheart. We get angry at..." He trailed off and the other men piped up, shockingly mocking smiles on their faces.
"Warm beer."
"Traffic on an open road."
"shit head." they all laughed at that one.
"Exactly men. We get angry about those sort of things," right hand continued before looking back at us, "but this situation, baby. We don't get angry. We don't even get mad." he looked us dead in the eye as he spoke, all joking gone from his body once again.
"We get even." the president spoke up again, that same demand to his voice. His eyes hadn't strayed from me still. I shuffled, uneasy. "Your men took from us, something that was ours and they put a claim to it. We've done the same. You're ours now. Everything you do, think, say will be under our direction. And you will do as we say, you don't want to see what happens if you dont." he paused to meet each of our gazes individually. I swallowed again to no relief, my mouth and throat were dry as dead leaves in autumn.
"He took a lot from me and he will pay it back, every cent that's effected by what he's done, every deal we lose. He'll pay back each one." he spoke confidently.
"What makes you think so?" Greta spoke a bravo to her voice none of us felt. He levelled her with his stare.
"Because if he wants to see his bitch and his sister again, he'll have to buy them back." he smiles cruelly.
"We aren't objects." I snapped and his gaze shot to me.
"The sister." he mumbled almost thoughtfully and I freeze. Shit, I'd given myself up.
"But you are. He made it that way. So now, if he wants to keep you safe and get you home he plays by my rules." the president held himself relaxed in front of us, as if he was talking about the weather and not our lives.
"He won't do it. He'll fight until he gets us back, he'll do it without giving you a dime." Greta spat at him and he laughed like she had just told a funny joke.
"I doubt that." he smiled cockily.
"And why is that?" I snapped letting anger lead instead of fear. He looked at me again and I felt his stare hit me, the full extent of it. I chose to ignore the feelings it evoked in me.
"Because he's just made his baby sister, his bitch and those two front liners to every deal we make until the debt is paid in full." I felt myself frown at his words.
"I don't... I dont understand." I said lightly not liking the sinking feeling settling into my stomach.
"See the way I see it, your brother risked a lot to do what he did. Took balls, I'll give him that but he clearly didn't think through who the fuck he was messing with." suddenly his cool demeanour evaporated and I saw the extent of his rage swimming in his eyes. We were fucked. "He thought he would be smart, rob us quick and get rid of it quicker and we would be none the wiser but your brother was stupid. Do you want to know why?" he asked raising his eyebrows waiting on my response.
"Why?" I whispered dread filling me.
"Because he left my men alive." He whispered. His eyes focused solely on me. "Rookie mistake. Now he's going to know what it's like to have something that belongs to him ripped out from under him, only difference is he just put you right in shooting range." he finished.
"He won't give you shit. They'll come for us, All of them and they'll get us back." Greta snapped again.
"He won't be able find you." right hand man laughed like they all had some inside joke and I guess they did.
"You're wrong. They'll move heaven and earth." Aurora spoke up for the first time, her gentle voice whispering through the room
"He won't do shit." the president said. "He'll get us our money and to do that he will be making deals that will fuck his club forever, desperate to get the money together. Once this is over that club will think twice about ever fucking with us again." he smirked.
"What makes you so sure?" Greta asked quietly this time, no longer sounding strong. We waited silently as he looked at us all.
"Because until that money gets paid you'll be running cargo for us" he looked at us and grinned, "he just put his family on the radar of every drug lord in the business and it's flashing bright red." he finished.
Oh fuck.

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