Chapter twenty-seven- I made it without you

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It had been two hours since we arrived at the Savage compound. Firstly, I watched as Daria got greeted warmly by the members of the club as she walked hand in hand with Fox. I stood frozen within the doorstep as eyes looked at me before decisively dismissing me as they focused back on the couple of the hour. With ease she settled into the group as the welcomed her with open arms, laughing and joking about how moppy Fox had been without her around.
I was acutely aware of Smiles as he entered behind me and walked directly to the bar ignoring my existence. My focus went between Darias oblivious smiling face as she settled into Foxs side and Smiles as he drank a drink with his brothers, he back aimed towards me. Shifting from foot to foot, prickles of awareness shot down my neck as the attention I was receiving from the women of the club became noticeable to me; their stares and judgeful looks burning into my skin. My hands wrung together in front of me, messing with a loose string on my jumper.
I stood for close to an hour in the same position. By the time Smiles turned and focused blankly on me, my ears were ringing while the room felt as though it was closing in quickly. Smiles tracked the movement of my laboured, shallow breathing but didn't seem to acknowledge it as he jerked his head towards a side door and disappeared down it, not waiting for me. I followed shakily at a much slower pace.
He stood at an open door, his eyes looking through me as he waited for me to enter before him. Breathing deep to mask my panic, I entered the room before him feeling like I had made a huge mistake.
That led us to now. I sat with my knees bent to my chest, arms wrapped protectively around them as I looked at Smiles who sat in a chair arcoss the room from me, looking at ease. It had been an hour of this, beginning when he settled into his chair and rumbled out "You want to talk? talk." I had. I sat across from him and tried to explain, the words jumbling as they fell out of my mouth.
"I don't... I was... Smiles, you have to understand. I grew up with my family, I didn't stray from them, I very rarely left the compound. I grew up sheltered... I never even looked at a boy the way I... It doesn't make me running scared any better but I... I couldn't stop thinking about... please talk back to me." I had finished on a whispered and since then nothing had been spoken. He simply stared at me.
"Please don't shut me out."
"You ran from me." he spoke finally and while I had spent the last hour wishing he would, his words caused my enture body to flinch. His eyes tracked that movement too.
"I know.. But it wasn't from you, it was-" I tried to explain.
"I stepped towards you and you turned and ran from me." he cut me off. My face pinched in discomfort at the reminder.
"I made a mistake." I whispered, scared stiff as the words didn't even penetrate his demeanour.
"You want my forgiveness?" he asked cool as a winters day and shakily I nodded, not trusting my voice.
"Fine. You have my forgiveness for not being able think for yourself at your age. You have my forgiveness for not trusting me to take care of you and make sure what ever we began would never harm you. You have my forgiveness for being scared of yourself." he said back easily, like we were having a conversation about the weather. I swallowed painfully as his words hit home. Silence spread between us until he broke it.
"Need anything else clarified?" he asked. Unable to read him and terrified of what was happening, I stared frozen at him, incapable of answering. However that seemed answer enough for him.
"We're done so." he spoke before pushing up to his feet and heading towards the door. With a shot of terror through me I rose to my feet and caught his arm before he made it to the door.
"Don't. I messed it up. You're right, I was scared of what I was feeling for you and I let that fear decide for me. I won't make that decision again. Please don't walk away from me, from this, like I did. I don't want you to." I whispered feeling tears wet my eyes but not letting them fall. He stared down at me, watching the tears I struggled to keep in.
"I won't do it again. You run scared from me ever, and I won't exist to you." he spoke calmly. My heart began to sweel with hope.
"I won't. I promise." I whispered out.
"Has your cousin ever hurt you? the way he came towards you today..." he asked suddenly and I blinked.
"He loves me more than life itself. He wants me safe from any form of pain" I assured him. His eyes ran over my face.
"I get that." he muttered back and my heart skipped a beat at his words. I wasn't going to loose him. fallibg forward I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling his arms come around me.

It was late in the night, we were cuddled close nearly asleep having not left the room at all. Smiles hand was playing with my hair at the side of my head.
"Aurora?" he spoke quietly and I pressed my nose into his neck indicating I was listening. "You ever run from me, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth to try to get you back. I just hope you never put us through it." he said and I froze at his words.
"I don't make the same mistake twice. I have no intentions of moving." I whispered back feeling his arms tighten around me.
I'd never felt safer.

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