chapter Five- I'ma never look back

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He is an ass.
A complete and utter ass, I huffed to myself from the passenger seat in the car. He wasn’t exactly friendly yesterday and I had never met someone who hid what they were feeling and thinking so well. However, after almost a full day of no emotion, he made up for it this morning.
I'd woken up slowly, wrapped tight against a warmth I hadn’t known before and due to that I didn’t rush myself in waking. It would appear I didn’t have to though because in the same second I shifted ever so slightly, Fox came awake. Wide awake. And while I wasn’t fully conscious to notice or react to the cuddled up position  we were in, he was. It was safe to say he react as well.
I had my thigh thrown over his, chest pressed into his side with my head on his shoulder, our connected hands resting on his stomach. Then next thing I know I’m flying through the air, tossed off his chest before slamming abruptly onto the mattress when the hand cuffs connecting us resisted against the distance Fox tried to put between us. It either didn’t click in his head that we were hand cuffed or else he didn’t care because without pause he rolled to the side of the bed and shot to standing, dragging me across the bed in doing so.
“Jesus! Stop!” I exclaimed barely balancing on the side of the bed, head down, ass raised high in the air to keep my balance. Scurrying forward I got to my feet beside him to see him breathing heavy. “Can you explain to me-“ I started but was quickly interrupted.
“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” he snarled right into my face and instinctively I took a step back. But only for a second before my temper caught up with me and I closed the distance between us again. He bent down low to get in my face as well.
“what the fuck was what?” I demanded.
“That shit you tried to pull.” he shot his hand out to the side indicating the bed, pulling my own connected hand with his. I gasped.
“Seriously? I was asleep. You’re the one that had the genius idea of hand cutting us together. Excuse the shit out of me if you aren’t happy that, oh I don’t know, we end up touching because of It!” I snapped slamming my free hand down onto my hip. A growl rumbled up his throat before he looked me up and down and scoffed, scoffed, “as if”. I gasped in outraged. The prick how dare he!.
“Take this thing off me now!” I growled out shooting our hands up into the air between us. Reaching into his pocket his removed a key and then the cuffs not taking his eyes from me as I muttered under my breath about what a dick he was. I’m sure he caught most of It, I wasn’t exactly being quiet.
“Stop moping” came from beside  me in the car and pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at Fox.
“Excuse me?” I said very carefully, offering him a very nice chance to retract his last two words. He didn’t take my offer. Glancing at me he looked forward again, expression on his face void of emotion as always.
“You’ve been like an anti Christ all morning. Get your shit together before we go in here, you have twenty minutes.” He turned an abrupt turn I didn’t notice bringing us out of the city centre we were in.
“An anti what?” I asked looking at him like he had six heads.
“You've been pissy all morning. I don't give a shit your reasoning, I'm just telling you to stop. Now.” He spoke like we were talking about whether we wanted coffee or tea, not like he was insulting me.
“Oh you’re telling me? Right got you, Dad.” I said sarcastically, calling him a dick under my breath as I went to turn away.
“Careful.” he barked at me, showing his favourite emotion, pissed off.
“Bite me.” I mumbled crossing my hands over my chest.
“Watch what you wish for, little bird. You might just get it.” he said darkly across the space between us, the meaning behind his words clear and I felt them in ways I really shouldn’t have. But his intention worked because I shut right the hell up, I was way to focused on lecturing myself in my head about all the reasons I was “not going there” with my kidnapper. In fact I was so focused on my own thoughts I didn’t realise we had reached our destination until we pulled to a complete stop, Dive and Bugs settling in beside us on their bikes. We got out of the car as the men got off their bikes and met at the front of the car.
“I wasn't joking, lose that attitude. The man were about to meet won’t accept it” Fox said completely serious, his expression alert and concentrated. “Don’t speak until I tell you.” He finished and I nodded, not trusting my voice just yet. Nodding back he turned from me and we approached the building that looked like a high end restaurant. It was early evening but the place was full. We got directed straight through the room to a place in the back. Left in a small hallway by the attendant we waited in silence. A few minutes later the door across from us opened and we moved forward into a room that looked like a state of the art office. The rug was a deep red, the walls a dark grey they were almost black. A man in a suit sat at his desk, a desk that spanned half the length of the room, his eyes on us. His men stood around the room silent. We were greatly out numbered.
“Sit." the man called and Fox nudged me forward with him. We took seats in front of the desk while Dive and Bugs stood guard behind us.
“I’ve come to explain in person-" Fox started but was interrupted by the man in the tailor made expensive suit. His eyes were glued to me.
“Who is this?” he asked and his eyes ran over me. I didnt like the feeling  they left in their wake. I felt like I needed a shower, dirty.
“Proof.” Fox said back and my gaze swung to him. He only had eyes for suits across from me.
“How so?” suits asked and my gaze swung back to him.
“Tell him who you are.” Fox said to me and I felt myself freeze as I looked at him again. His eyes were sharp on me now, demanding I do as told. I took a deep breath and looked back.
“My name is Daria Moretti, Enzo-" I had no sooner finished my brothers name when suits across from my burst laughing. Laughing. I couldn’t believe it I gaped at him. Not moments ago he had been so calm and collect.
“You are something.” he ease up on his laughing to shake his head at Fox. I looked to Fox too, completely lost.
“Are we finished?” Fox asked his gaze glued once again to suits.
“We are yes, I agree to the new arrangements.” suits smiled at me like I was in on whatever he was laughing at.
“Magnificent.” He laughed once again. No sooner had he finished what he said did I find myself dragged from my seat and marched towards the door.
“Fox" I started quietly.
“Quiet. Keep moving.” he whipped out sharply and I shut my mouth, doing as he said. Only when we were back in the car on the road did I speak.
“What just happened?” I asked.
“I saved part of my business.” Fox answered and I started at his side profile waiting for him to go on. He didn't.
“And? What was my relevance?” I asked for further explanation.
“You were proof I am serious, you were proof I don't fuck around. You were a statement.” He finished, not looking away from the road. I felt anger bubble up in me.
“Well great!” I exclaimed once again sarcastic, shifting back in my seat to look out the front window, “My mom always wanted me to be something. She’d be so proud to know I did just that. Her Daughter, Daria Moretti, A statement. Yep, she would cry with joy.” I huff. A second later I whirled in my seat to stare at him because, my god I think he may have just chuckled. Either way his face had ease back out into his usual emotionless self but I could still hear the deep chuckle ringing in my ears. Slowly I moved back to look out the window.

“So, who got the bed?” I asked as the food was put down in front of us and watched the waitress paused to look at Bugs and Dive with me. I raised my eye brows expectantly. We were about two hours from home but stopped into a tiny country restaurant for a bite to eat. I was forced to sit on the inside of Fox in the booth while the two men took their seats across from me, where they were right now currently glaring daggers at me. What they didn’t do was answer.
“Shared it did you?” I pushed further watching their expressions go from annoyed to blank as they looked at me like I was extremely boring. Again though I got no answer.
“Cute.” I finished baiting them and watched their eyes simultaneously narrow at what I was insinuating.
“Enough.” Fox rumbled from beside me digging into his food. I almost grinned as I focused on eating too. The car journey home had been much the same as the way up only this time I didn't feel as uncomfortable. I still badgered Fox with questions and although he only answered a few I got the distinct feeling I amused him more so than angered him.
Before I knew it we were back on the road again and then I was being shook awake.
“Daria, we're here. Get out.” Fox said quietly from beside me. Pushing up into sitting I looked at the building in front of me.
“Where are we?” I asked but like most of my questions I didn’t get an answer. Jumping from the car I followed Fox into the building, Dive and Bugs at my back. Walking into the main room I stopped at the sight of my three girls sitting on chairs in the corner while men and women were everywhere. To anyone it would look like a gathering but I could see this was the club’s way of watching the girls and having their own fun too. I could tell straight away none of these girls were old ladies.
“Someone take care of them.” Fox called and I turned to see some skanky bitch with her arms around him, moving her hands dangerously close to his jeans, her lips attached to his neck. Fox didn’t spare me a glance before disappearing into the back hall with little miss Skank trailing behind him. A hand at my back moved me forward and I looked I've met shoulder tl see it was Dive.
“C’mon, girlies.” he called and I turned to see my girls walking toward me, whatever their days had been, taking a toll on them as they each looked wrecked beyond repair. I felt worry rising in me. We were bought into a basement room that could only be used for one thing by the look of its set up: interrogations. Although it had been altered to suit our presence with four beds put in lining the walls. No sooner had we stepped in did the door slam closed and heavy locks sounded.
“Thank Jesus, a bed.” Aurora groaned falling onto the closest one. Cecilia and Greta following suit as I watched them from the door.
“Everyone okay after today?” I asked and watched them all look at me.
“Scared.” Aurora called.
“It’s too easy. We can’t be being kept until a debt is paid and then go, no harm done. Somethings got to give. The way this guy  is, he’ll want our club and every other one to know what happens when you mess with him and his men. Brace girls, the worst is yet to come.” Greta said turning to face the wall, settling in. I moved to the last bed and got in going  over what she had said.
Realistically my mind should have been stuck on the situation that we were in but slowly as I started to fall asleep my mind moved to the image of Fox with that girl. His eyes void of emotion once again as he turned and walked away from me.
I fell asleep seeing his eyes.

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