Chapter twenty-eight- thinkin' it's time to go and get'em

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"You're Mom is sweet." I yelled over the wind on the way home. We'd  left his parents home about a half hour ago.
"She loves easily." he called back slowing the bike so I could hear him over the wind.
"Doea she know Grace is with us?" I asked cautiously.
"No. She won't either. She doesn't need that pain, she wouldn't  deal well with it." he answered and I frowned.
"Don't you think she should decide that herself?" I asked for Graces part, knowing how, over the years, she had asked much of her mothers life. "She's  heard about your mother. I'm pretty sure, as far as Grace is concerned, she knows your mother." I said hesitantly, not wanting to cause offense. There was a long pause after I spoke.
"My Mom was never okay after what happened, I don't know how she'll  react knowing how close Aines daughter is, let alone knowing what trouble Grace is in." he commented.
"I never knew Aine personally, I've head abour her, she's always been an important person in our family. I might be wrong but it may be just what your mother needs. I don't  know the full story but if it was my best friend, I'd want to know my best friends daughter even if it was years too late." I said lightly, not wanted to stir anger. He slowed further on his bike, clearly wanted to continue the conversation.
"I would agree only I saw Mom the years after and I can't imagine her turning that way again. She doesn't talk about Aine. It pains her too much and the thought of her meeting the daughter of her best friend that she never got to be a part of raising might be too much for her." he spoke honestly and I understood it as I had watched Grace grow up and I'd imagine if that was my best friends child and I had missed it, it would be a travesty.
"Grace has grown up happy though and has had family surround her her whole life, your Mom would be happy with that but I understand where you're coming from." I added not wanting to insult thwy way his family avoided her.
"That's good." was all he replied as we pulled into the compound and we both realised at the same time that things were far from calm. People were running everywhere, women jumping in cars fleeing the scene like their lives depended on it.
"What's happening, Fiachra?" I asked alarmed by their behaviour.
"Get inside now." was all he replied and I moved hastily to dismount the bike. We moved quickly, entering the building to see an argument in full bloom.
"You fool!" Zip roared in Graces face, in the middle of the commotion. Tables and chairs were flung around the place, several men and women were bleeding, holding cloths to their faces.
"What on earth?" I breathed shocked at the sight before me.
"They needed to know. They would have been worried sick, wondering where I was." Grace seemed to defend herself to Zip screaming back in his face. He was ragged, blood dropping from his face and chest as if he had been at battle. He looked  fierce as he loomed over Grace, his face a centimetre from hers.
"You nearly got us all killed! Are you actually that stupid? Did you not think they wouldn't tract the phones of your friends? Look around you, look at the harm you caused!" Zip roarded once again and I saw Grace flinch before she blanched.
"I didn't mean too! I just wanted to talk to someone from home!" she tried to defend herself but she hadn't so much as finished her sentence before Zip laughed sarcastically in her face.
"A whole lot of good that did." he mocked and she glared at him, panic covering her face as she glanced around the mess.
"I didn't know that would happen. I wouldn't have called if I knew!" Grace desperately tried to defend whatever actions she commented. Neither I nor Fiachra spoke as we watched them in fascination, as they ignored all around them.
"Well it's crystal, you haven't got the brains to think of anyone but yourself." Zip inflicted that insult before Fiachra decided to intervene. I watched as Grace took a physical stelp back as if Zip had struck her.
"What's going on?" Fiachra intervened and we watched as they both turned toward us.
"Our girl here, who were putting ourselves on the line to protect, decided she'd call her friend to have a chat-"
"Oh fight me, I wanted her to know I was okay-" Grace intervened not impressed with Zips answer but Zip prevailed nonetheless.
"And clearly," Zip spoke over her, "not being smart enough to think that her boy would have her friends phone track, rang her friend for a chat and gave our location away so guess who got a visit from a very angry violent boyfriend?" Zip asked dramatically, gesturing to Grace.
"I said I was sorry." she snapped back not impressed with his sarcasm.
"Well fat good help that did." Zip commented mocking her.
"Have they come?" Fiahcra interrupted, over their argument.
"A few of his men have but I assume it was just to ensure they were in the right place, I don't give it a day before a crowd turns up looking for her." Zip gestured towards Grace with disgust and she glared in response.
"Zip, move her. A safe house now, if this is beginning it isn't happening on home turf." Fiachra commented and I watched as Zip grabbed Grace and hauled her off the room without further comment. I heard his bike start as he disappeared into the night. A chill shot down my spine.
"What's going on Fiachra?" I asked scared of the answered.
"War, babe. It's only just beginning." Fiachra commented and I felt the fear race down my spine knowing we hadn't cleared the finished line at all, we couldn't even see it.

The end. 
Hang tight guys, the story continues in the next book. I'll comment the name of it, And I promise I have the time to pay more attention to the next book, first semester is finished. x

Hope you enjoyed this one x

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