Chapter eleven- stop holding your breath

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Smiles slammed into the room without knocking, ignoring Mindy who was in my lap, top pushed down to her hips, breasts exposed. Twisting around she covered herself exclaiming, “Jesus, Smiles”. He didnt spare her a glance though.
“Get the fuck out.” he rumbled and Mindy, knowing her place, rose quickly off me and left while I tucked myself back into my jeans.
“Smiles?” I asked stiffly. He began to pace, back and forth looking like a caged tiger. Minutes passed as he continued.
“You have a reason for barging in here interrupting me?” I questioned further. He spun and faced me, fists clenched at his side.
“He's getting close to being cleared.” Smiles rumbled out, talking about Enzo, a fact I was well aware of.
“He is.” I agreed and he narrowed his eyes at me.
“He is nearly at the half way point, he'll want another one of the girls.” Smiles growled out.
“Deals a deal man. Nothing I can do.” I said shifting uncomfortably on my couch. Smiles slammed his fist into my wall behind him before turning back to point a finger at me.
“We both know who is going next.” he snarled at me.
“We can't give up the sister or old lady next, too risky. ” I reasoned.
“I don't want her going. ” he said back quietly. I tilted my head at him.
“You claiming her?” I asked mildly shocked. I'd noticed him looking at her but anyone would, she was a pretty girl but after tonight when he practically ran with the girl from the club, he clearly felt something deeper.
“She's in my bed right now.” Was his only reply, his eyes narrowing at me. Smiles was never one to talk about emotions or feelings.
“My hands are tied.” I said back quietly watching him. Smiles jaw clenched so hard I'm almost sure I heard his teeth grind together.
“She will be gone by next week, the way he's getting the money in.” Smiles stated.
“My hands are tied, Brother.” I repeated.
“Yeah and they will suddenly become untied when it comes to the sister yeah?” he scoffed and I instantly leaned forward.
“Careful brother. The only thing I can do for you is, when the time comes, if your girl will stay she can stay but if she wants to go, nothing we can do. ” I said looking him in the eye. He walked towards the door to leave my room.
“She's mine, Fox.” He called over his shoulder before closing the door behind him. Leaning forward I put my head in my hands, pulling my hair through my fingers. A light knock and the door sliding open brought my head up. Mindy stood just inside the door.
“Fiachra?” she called quietly and my gut twisted, a scowl crossing my face.
“I told you yesterday, I won't say it again, I'm Fox to you or you forget me altogether.” I said harshly watching her swallow nervously.
“Got you, Fox.” She whispered.
“Leave me. I have stuff to do.” I stand standing and grabbing my cut, not paying attention to Mindy leaving the room. Grabbing my phone I started to make some phone calls.

It was her smile. She smiled at every single fucker in the bar without even realising the power it possessed. Every man in there did though. Half of them could only keep focus on the stage for a few minutes at a time before glancing aorund to look at her. They weren't the only ones whose eyes followed her; so did Jakes. His eyes followed her almost every second of their shift. Picking up the phone in the security room I rang through to the main club, keeping my eyes on Daria on the screen.
“Yo?” Dive called through the phone. On screen Mindy entered the private section. I narrowed my eyes on her, watching her look through the place.
“Jake's moved. Starting tomorrow, move him to the main club and give him any excuse to be there, staff needing more training or some shit, I don't care. Just by tomorrow he's out of the private section.” I said leaning forward watching the screens with intent. Mindy zeroed in on Daria and walked toward her with purpose. Daria didn't see her coming, her back to the room as she leaned over a table in the corner dropping down drinks.
“He do something, boss?” Dive called down the phone, alert.
“No, man. Just need him in the club.” I said distractedly, watching as Mindy squared up against Daria who held the glasses tray between them.
“Got you, Pres.” Dive called down the phone before hanging up. I watched intently as words were exchanged between the girls, I couldn't hear a word being said but by the expressions on each of their faces I had a good guess as to what the conversation was about. I felt the frown take over my expression as Jake stepped up behind Daria, having her back. Laughing Mindy moved back, hands up in innocence before spitting something vile at Daria, judging by the expression that shot across her face and the angry look that overtook Jakes. Mindy turned and strolled from the room, hips swaying, a satisfied look on her face. But my eyes trailed Daria as she nodded to Jake who turned and went back to work. Then slowly her head turned and she looked right up at the camera. Right at me. My body reacted instantly, even as my eyes narrowed on the calculating look on her face. She turned, walking to the bar, disposed of the empty tray before turning and scouting out where Enzos old lady was.
Words were exchanged between the women, heated ones but ones I could tell Daria was determined about.
“What are you up to?” I whispered watching her move through the room, a sour expression on Enzos old lady as she watched her disappear back stage. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Fuck me, she wouldn't.” I said aloud thinking she couldn't be balsy enough to go against me. Flipping a switch I bought up the back stage cameras trying to track her movements but she wasn't on any of the screens. I swapped back to the main stage and froze. Every part of me zeroed in on her on that stage. My mind eventually caught up with what it was seeing, my body having reacted almost instantly.
“Fuck me.” I whispered out again unable to deny that she was like a goddess on that stage. Still, that didnt make her any less in trouble with me. It ended all too quick and the stage darkened as she ran off through the curtains. I once again picked up the security phone.
“Boss?” Smiles asked and in the screens I could see him looking up from a booth in the private section. “You want her?” he asked, guessing correctly I had just watched her show.
“Find me Mindy first. Then I want her.” I growled down the phone, my voice portraying my loosely held fury.
“Two minutes Boss, I'll have Mindy there.” Smiles spoke before hanging up but my eyes didn't move from the door leading to back stage.
“Told you, little bird.” I whispered shaking my head. She'd learn.

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