Telling The Fam

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I'm sitting on my bed. It's been a couple hours since breakfast. I offered again to wash up but Jin wouldn't let me. Him and Namjoon did the dishes. And yes, Namjoon did break a plate.

God of Destruction away!

I'm sitting here debating if I should make the video now or wait a few more days. I don't want The Fam to worry. They have the right to know. I shouldn't put it off. I got up and walked to Suga's room and knocked. "Yoongi, can I come in?" I asked softly. "Sure," he replied. I think I woke him up.


I opened the door and walked in. Not surprisingly Yoongi is in bed. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. "What do you need, Noona?" He asked, his voice hoarse from sleep. "I just wanted to ask if I can use your and Namjoon's office. I need to make a video." My face fell a bit. I thought I was better. I guess not.

Of course he noticed.

"Are you going to let The Fam know what happened?" He asked a bit concerned. I nodded, then looked down. I heard him get up and walk across his room. He gave me a tight hug. I returned the embrace and buried my face in his chest. He held me for a minute then let go.

"Do you want someone there with you? I could sit with you. For support," he smiled kindly. I thought for a second.

I don't want to burden him of his sleep, but not being alone will make it easier. I nodded weakly. Yoongi gave me his gummy smile.

We made our way to the office. I stopped by my room and grabbed my recording equipment. I set it up and made sure everything was working. Yoongi sat in one of the chairs and watched. It was kind of amusing because he looked like he wanted to help but wasn't sure what to do. I don't mind doing it myself. I'm a bit OCD on my set up.

Once I had everything how I wanted I sat in the other chair. Yoongi was off to the side. I sighed heavily.

"Noona," he whispered. I turned my head toward him. "Are you sure you can do this? Do you want me next to you?" I didn't hesitate with my answer. "I would prefer you stay there. The Fam might ask questions and start rumors if I talk about my breakup and another guy is with me. Even if it is a BTS member. They love to ship me with you guys."

I love my viewers but some of them can be a bit insane with their ships. Yoongi nodded understandingly.

He stood up and went to the camera. I took a deep breath and nodded, then Yoongi pressed record.

"Annyonghaseyo Fam," I stated to the camera and gave my two handed wave. "As you can see, this isn't my normal background. Well, I have some not so good news for you all." I took another deep breath, trying to hold the tears in.

"Hee-chul and I are no longer together. I know, crazy right?" I chuckled lifelessly. "Before you ask, I broke up with him. I'm not going to get into what happened, but please. Please. Don't give him any hate. He doesn't deserve that." I put my hands together in a begging way.

I really don't want drama.

"I moved out of the house we shared together. I might vlog more here at the new house I'm staying at. I have to ask though. No, I'm not living alone," I smiled.

Hopefully the boys are okay with me vlogging. They have their Bangtan Bombs and livestreams, so I should be okay.

"It's really hard to swallow. I thought things were going so well. I guess I was wrong," I said and tears start to fall. Yoongi started to get up but I put my hand up out of camera view to stop him. He reluctantly sat back down. I started speaking again.

"This all happened yesterday. Literally I'm recording this and uploading it current day. I may take a few days off from videos. I hope you understand.
I'm sorry. Please know I love you all." I smiled and made hearts with my thumb and pointer finger.

"I guess that's everything. A little life update for you all. I'll see you soon, Fam. Saranghae!" I gave a small flying kiss and stood up to stop the recording.

I just stood there at the camera, not moving. Just looking down. Yoongi came over and wrapped his arms around me. At this point I wasn't even crying anymore over the breakup. I was angry crying over the entire situation. I need to get over it. Hee-chul doesn't deserve my tears.

I pulled away and wiped my eyes. I bet I look a mess. My makeup is probably all down my face.


I looked at Yoongi and gave a small smile.

"Thank you, Yoongi. For being here for me," I whispered, tired after crying. That shit drains you I swear. He giggled and nodded. "Anything for you, Noona" I gave a real smile now. He sounds like Tae.

I took out the memory card and went to my room. I assume Yoongi is going to sleep again. I spent maybe 20 minutes editing the video. All I did was get rid of long pauses between talking and putting my hand up to stop Yoongi, then uploaded it.

I noticed it's not on the my normal upload schedule.

Oh well. It's an important video. I posted it on twitter with a link. I typed "it was hard to make this,  but you all deserve to know. Saranghae 💖." Then I closed my laptop and laid back on my bed.

*Time skip brought to you by Namjoon's sass about English albums*

I opened my eyes and sat up. I guess I fell asleep. Oops. I looked for my phone and checked the time.

Oh. It's only one. I haven't slept that long.

I got up and went to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and physically cringed. I really do look rough. I have raccoon eyes from my mascara and eyeliner.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I decided to stay makeup free. I walked back into my room and grabbed my laptop and phone, then went downstairs to see what the boys were doing.

How do you think The Fam will react? Hope you enjoyed. Saranghae 💖

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