Tae and (Y/N)'s Past

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"Back when Tae and I were kids we loved to entertain. We loved being the center of attention. We would put on little skits of our fave anime's and some we made up ourselves. We would sing and dance for everyone during family gatherings. It was fun seeing our family's faces when we would perform for them. But that didn't last long."

"As we got older we took it more seriously. We joined the dance and drama clubs at school. We had so much fun and knew that this is something we would want to do after we graduated. But our parents had other plans. They didn't think that was a good career choice because they didn't think we would make it. High school was rough for us."

I was trying not to cry now.

"Did you know I had a YouTube channel before the one I have now? I did the same thing but I also did little skits with Tae and my old friends. One day our parents found out about it and made me delete the whole thing. I got grounded and they screamed at me. Mainly our father. Tae was there, but he didn't get yelled at as much as me, thank god. My parents blamed me for putting the thought in his head of fame. They made me feel awful about myself and Tae."

"They said mean things about us, mostly me. They told Tae he will never make it big and he doesn't have any talent. They said that he should stick with working at the convenience store because that's as useful as he will ever be. They told me I was too fat, too ugly, talentless, and no one will want to see me perform. It fucked my head up so bad."

"Tae was just strong enough to rebel and sneak into an audition for Big Hit when he turned 18. As for me, I didn't know what to do. I ended up cutting. I quit eating and exercised so much I became so underweight it was borderline anorexic. Tae noticed and went to my parents. They acted like they were concerned and took me to the hospital. The doctors hooked me up to get the nutrition I needed through tubes and such. They put me on antidepressants."

I stopped the tears that were threatening to fall now because I became angry. Both Tae and my face darkened. Tae is about to cry and Jungkook looks scared but intrigued.

"One night a couple weeks later our parents came in for a visit. They came right up to me in the hospital bed and said the worst things a parent could ever say."

"You're not good enough. You were never good enough. We regret giving birth to you. You fucked up everything in our lives. Your brother's life is going to be awful because of you and your ideas. He never would have joined that stupid band if it weren't for you. He's going to fail. And you're to blame for it."

"You think losing weight was going to help you? You thought wrong. You're still ugly. You are still talentless. You will never do anything in life. You should give up now. Maybe you should just end it all. Life will still go on without you. No one will miss you."

"After that they walked out. I was speechless. I couldn't believe anyone could say such things, especially to their own child. I took it to heart. My head was so screwed up with negative thoughts it was overpowering. I detached all the tubes and got out of bed. I wobbled out of my room and peeked out into the hallway. I didn't see anyone so I made my way to the cafeteria. I looked around a saw the utensils. I grabbed a knife and went back to my room."

"I grabbed my bottle of antidepressants and the knife. I thought to myself 'my parents are right. I will never be good enough. If Taehyung and the rest of BTS doesn't make it big it's my fault I'm worthless'."

"I took the knife and made slits on my wrists, legs and stomach. Then I took as many of the pills as I could. I wanted to just end it all. I laid on the floor and waited."

"About a month later I woke up. I thought I was finally gone. But when I opened my eyes I saw Tae next to me. He looked horrible, like he didn't sleep for weeks. When he saw me staring at him he cried. We both did. He asked me why. I didn't want to tell him, but being how he is he got it out of me. I've never seen him so angry. I begged him not to say anything but of course he didn't listen."

"Eventually he got my parents to confess to what they said. They weren't even remorseful about it. They actually kicked us out of their house. I mean, Tae was already living with you guys so it was okay with him. But me. I moved in with our Aunt and Uncle on our mother's who lived in Busan. They did everything they could to undo what our parents did. It was a slow process, but I did finally feel better about myself. I still worked out to keep a small size, but not a crazy amount where it's unhealthy. And I started to wear makeup."

"I told them about my YouTube dream and they were so supportive with it. They convinced me to open a new channel, the one I have to this day. It started off slow, as new channels do, but soon I gained tons of followers and viewers, eventually calling them The Fam. After you all debuted is when I started my series of covers. My channel took off. I got invited to all sorts of things. Pax, Vidcon, Summer in the City. I did colabs and made tons of new friends."

"I became so happy. But in the back of my mind I never stopped thinking about our parents. How do they feel about what they did? Seeing us live our dreams, do they feel bad? I talked to Tae about it and he didn't think so. We decided to push them out of our lives. That's why we act the way we do when someone mentions them. We want nothing to do with them. And it seems like they feel the same way. We haven't heard from them in years and we're okay with it."

I took a deep breath. That was a lot of talking. I looked around and all the Bangtan are here. They have looks of sadness and sympathy. I looked to Jungkook. He had tears falling down his face.

Suddenly I was pulled into a hug. He put his face in my neck.

"I-I'm so s-s-sorry (Y-Y/N)-Noona! And T-Tae-hyung!" He stutters through sobs. I pat his back and stroke his head comfortingly. I finally feel myself cry as well. Tae managed to stop and he jumps on us for a group hug. Suddenly it became a whole Bangtan group hug.

These boys.

"Alright alright can we stop this cry fest please?" I yell out. They got off and I could breathe again.

"(Y/N) I'm glad you got better. We all are. Don't let yourself ever think that way again," Jin says sternly.

Eomma Jin has appeared!

"I won't Jin, I promise."

All the boys smile.

I love my boys so much and I don't think anything can stop that. Nothing will get in the way of our dreams.

ALSO!!! I know Taehyung's parents are not like it at all irl. This is just for the story. I'm sure they are great people and very supportive of Tae and the rest of BTS

🎉Happy Birthday Tae🎊

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