Forgiving and Leaving for England

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I cannot get over what Namjoon said yesterday.

Like, what a fucking dick.

I'm not some god damn first prize at a carnival.

I didn't lie when I said I wasn't ever going to choose him. I never felt that way towards him. I realized that the other night when I was making my mental pros and cons list.

Last night after my little outburst I ran up to my room and packed for my month in England. I texted my friend Evelien (also known as Gab Smolders on YouTube) and asked if it was ok that I came a few days early. She said yes and asked if everything was ok. I told her I would tell her when I got there because it's a long story.

I checked for plane tickets and luckily there was one available for tonight. Right now I'm finishing double checking that I have all the things I need. Clothes, my laptop, my cameras (vlogging and main videos), chargers, extra batteries. Those things.

Oh and passport and money. That's important.


I had just finished when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and there stood the man-child himself, Kim Namjoon. I rolled my eyes and was about to shut the door on him but he put his foot in the way.

"What the hell do you want Kim Namjoon?" I asked coldly. He looked frightened.


"U-uh I j-just wanted to talk a-and ap-apologize," He stuttered out. . I rolled my eyes again and let him in. He sat on my bed.

"Do you realize how much of a douche you were yesterday?" I asked him sternly staring him right in his eyes. I kept my glare. He looked down.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)-Noona. I was just so jealous of Hobi-Hyung and I just kind out I guess. I spoke without thinking," he muttered.

Again I rolled my eyes. "No shit you didn't think, you dumbass. Those words were hurtful. I really hope you don't actually think of me the way I think you do," I said.

He shook his head fast. "N-no! I don't. I'm sorry for staring at you the way I have been. I should have respected you more. You're just so beautiful. Hoseok-hyung is lucky you chose him. He better treat you right."

I sighed.

I hope so.

"Thank you, Namjoon. For apologizing. You're forgiven. At least from me. Good luck with Taehyung," I told him.

His face changed from relieved to terror in .02 seconds. I giggled.

"He told me I am dead to him," he mumbled.

I heard it barely, but it was enough for me to get angry.

Namjoon might have said hurtful things, but he doesn't deserve for Tae to have said that to him. He should know better than that. We have gone through too much for him to even think those words. I left my room and stormed over to my dumbass brother's room.

I opened the door without knocking. He was playing with his stuffed lion I got him for his birthday a couple years ago. I grabbed it and threw it across the room and then smacked him upside the head.

"Noona??? What was that for?" He yelled out startled.

"Why the HELL did you tell Namjoon he's dead to you!? I thought you knew how hard it is to be told something like that??? What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I shouted at him.

I'm so pissed. He knows how much that hurts. To be disowned like that. How could he do that to one of his brothers?

Tae froze. He just stared at me. Then he looked away.

"I don't know why I said that. Those things he said to you. It just made me so mad. He thinks of you as an object. Not a person. He doesn't deserve my friendship or yours. But maybe I went too far. Again," he sighed after speaking. I shook my head.

"He said those things without thinking. He just came to me to apologize. I forgave him. Because he was sincere and he was jealous. He also said he was sorry for staring at me the way he has. You two need to talk. I'm not letting either of you end this friendship. You're brothers. Brothers fight but they love each other til the end."

I pat his head and then went back to my room. I looked back before closing his door. Tae had his head down and I could tell he's thinking of what I said. I smiled and shut his door.

Namjoon is still on my bed. When he saw me he stood up and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and knew this was his thank you for going to Taehyung. The whole dorm probably heard me yelling at him.

He lets go and walks out, shutting my door behind him. I sighed and flopped on my bed. Sometimes I feel more like the mom of this group than Jin is.

I checked my phone and saw that I have 3 hours before I need to be at the Airport. I decided to take my stuff downstairs and chill in the lounge until I need to leave.

"(Y/N)-Noona are you really leaving tonight?" Jungkook asked all sad like. Breaks my heart. I sat next him on the sofa and pulled him to my side. I stroked his head.

"Yes, Kookie. I need to think a bit and relax. Plus I haven't seen my friends in so long. But why are you so sad? It's not like I'm moving out. It's only for a month. You guys have a busy schedule anyway. It will go quicker than you think," I reassured him. I feel him nodding. "I'll miss you," he whispers and hugs me tight.


I chuckled and kissed the top of his head. Precious bean.

I hung out with the boys minus my brother and Namjoon (who I assumed went back to his room) until it was time for me to leave.

*At the airport*

All of Bangtan went with me to the airport. Literally it wasn't necessary but as you all know, they are extra.

Taehyung and Namjoon are avoiding each other as expected. I gave Tae a look that said he better talk to him and be friends again before I come back. ARMY will see if they don't get their act together soon.

The speaker called out for my flight and I grabbed my carry on. The boys all hugged me. Hobi kissed my cheek and of course I blushed. Then he whispered in my ear, "I'll wait for you until you're ready." I couldn't speak so I just nodded.

Tae came up to me after that. "I approve of Hoseok-hyung. I hate to admit that. But I agree with you waiting for a while. Don't be too quick for another relationship. I don't want you hurt again," he quietly said. I smiled.

Such a caring little brother.

He told me to be safe and to text him when I arrive. I promised I would then ran to my plane. I found my seat and settled in.

Hope you enjoyed Saranghae 💖

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