Snow Tae and Kookie Finally Asks

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"Noona, you aren't going anywhere without one of us. And you're coming with us to all of our interviews and shows."

I rolled my eyes for the millionth time. Taehyung has been non stop telling me his plans to keep me "safe."

He's going over the top. I swear if he doesn't go bald from all the hair dye he will because of this situation.

"Bro you're acting like he's going to attack me," I joke.

Wrong move.

"HE MIGHT," he yells at me. I flinch, not expecting that. He notices and immediately softens.

"Sorry Noona. I just want you to be more serious about this. I already almost lost you once. I'm not letting that happen again," he whispers with tears in his eyes. I look down, trying not to think about that time.

"TaeTae, I promise you that won't happen. That's in the past. I'm okay now. We're okay now. What happened was because of me, not them. I made that choice," I say gently but firm.

He looks at me with sad and guilty eyes. I know he's thinking of that time, when we were younger. I can't believe he still thinks it's his fault. That he could have been there more. He was there when no one else was, but he still thinks it wasn't enough. I can't convince him otherwise.

I glance around the room and see that all of Bangtan are here. I forgot they were so they heard everything.

They all know apart from Jungkook. We haven't told him about our past because at the time we told everyone else we thought he was too young to know. He's kind of sensitive and I don't know how he would react. Right now he is staring between Tae and I with an adorable puzzled face.

I sigh.

Hoseok puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I look at him with a bit of shock and he just chuckles.

"It's okay. Your brother and I talked already. He's okay with this," he whispers in my ear. I look at Taehyung. He's staring down at my waist and then his eyes flicker to Hobi. A very VERY tiny hint of a smile forms and then he looks away. "I guess I can add you to the 'Main Members who Protect Noona' list, huh hyung?"

Do what now?

What the fuck is that?

"Yes," Hobi answers.

"Excuse you? What the hell is that?" I ask a little offended. There's a list of Bangtan members who 'protect' me???

"It's a list of those who are the closest who have been there the most for you. It was just me and Yoongi-hyung but now I can add Hobi-hyung," Tae says.


I mean I really shouldn't be surprised but for real! I can handle myself!

*Time skip brought to you by Suga being savage toward the haters. THEY DON'T LIP SYNC*

We're at the studio now. It's kind of late to be here, around 16:00, but the boys wanted to let out some frustration. So they decided to make a funny practice video for Go Go. They are dressing up as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Tae lost Rock, Paper, Scissors to be Snow White.

"I'm going to rock this dress!" Tae yells out spinning in circles. I'm actually dying he looks so funny!

"Sure you will, Tae," Namjoon says sarcastically.

"You'll never look as great as me!" Jin shouts while flipping his imaginary hair. I roll my eyes.

"Of course not. Who could ever compare to Wordwide Handsome?" Jimin jokes using air quotes. Jin sticks his tongue out while the poor makeup artist tries to fix his dwarf hat.

Soon they were all ready. I can't help but laugh.

They look ridiculous but somehow they all look good? How is that even possible? Tae even has an apple to complete the look. They spent a good hour trying to figure out the ending. They want Tae to take a bite of the apple and fall "dead."

When they finally figured it out they got into position. They began and honestly, it's amazing. ARMY is going to love this.

*Time skip back to the dorms brought to you buy Hobi's Supreme money gun*

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*Time skip back to the dorms brought to you buy Hobi's Supreme money gun*

After the video was done we went back to the dorm. I was editing my video with Dan and Phil when a wild Kookie appeared next to me.

"(Y/N)-Noona?" He mutters softly. I turn my head to him. His face shows hesitation. I furrow my brows.

"What is it Kookie? Are you okay?" I ask him concerned. He looks down. What's wrong with him?

"You don't have to answer me if you don't want to. But everyone else seems to know," he starts.

Oh no.

I know where this is going.

"You want to know about my and Tae's past." It wasn't a question. He looks up with slightly scared eyes and guilt at asking. I guess he should know. I trust him and we have known each other for a long ass time.

I see movement behind Jungkook and look toward the doorway to the hallway. Tae is standing there. He smiles softly and I know he's okay with it. I motion for him to join me and he comes and sits on the floor in front of the sofa. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I hate talking about it.

Kind of a filler chapter but it will go somewhere I promise Saranghae 💖

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