A Beginning of Bat

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A Beginning of a Bat

Gotham City

"Mom! Dad! Grey Ghost was amazing! I'm so happy that they had him and Zorro team up!" A young boy exclaimed, as he and his parents walked out of the antique, old Monarch Theater. The darkness of the sky surrounded the city. "I've been wanting this to happen ever since I found out about the characters!"

"We know honey, that's why we got opening night tickets." The mother said to her son

"Thank you for buying the tickets. It was the best movie ever!" The boy exclaimed.

"You're very welcome son." The father said.

The boy was a young six year old, who was very wealthy but lived in a violent, beat up town.

Walking with his elegant parents outside of the theater, his father asked, "Martha, Honey, why don't cut through this alley, it'll get us to the car faster than going around the block."

"Are you sure, Thomas, it looks pretty dark in there. What if there's a thieve in there." Martha said.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine, look, our son wants to pretend to be the Grey Ghost and beat up bad guys." Thomas replied trying to amuse his son. The son was holding an imaginary sword and swinging it in the air.

"Okay, as long as it's safe." Martha said.

Listening to their conversation, the young boy sprinted though the alley pretending to be his favorite superhero, Grey Ghost. Suddenly a dark big hand came out and grabbed the boy. In the boy's mind he thought a superhero was going to save him.

Being oblivious to the situation, his father yelled, "Bruce, get back over here we can't see back there!"

Then, misting out of the darkness was a man, holding Young Bruce by the neck in his arms, and in the other hand, a gun, to Bruce's head. Bruce wasn't scarred, he thought a brave superhero would come down and save him. Yet, there was no superhero there to save Bruce yet.

"So you're the Wayne Family, give me some money and I'll exchange it for your son." Bargained the bearded mugger.

Thomas set the wallet in his hand down slowly and said, "Ok. You got what you wanted now let my son go, please." Thomas said.

"I want those shiny white pearls on your wife's neck." The mugger demanded.

Martha took off the pearls halfway off her neck, until the mugger got impatient and grabbed them. Martha shrieked. Startled, the mugger dropped the pearls, fired two bullets, one hitting Martha in the head and another hitting Thomas in the chest. The mugger then ran off quickly into the darkness.

Bruce was alive, unharmed, crouching on his knees with tears racing down his face. His two parents were lying down on the floor around him.

With Martha already deceased, Thomas got his finale words out, "Don't be afraid Bruce, everything will be fine."

Slowly after, Thomas' eyes shut. Thomas had passed.

This was when young Bruce realized there were no superheroes out there, he was all alone. But this is the beginning of The Batman.

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