Steve Rodgers

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Steve x Comforting!Male!Reader
Another one that hasn't been requested.

Steve was getting used to being in a relationship with a male. He had nothing against it, love is love after all. He just couldn't get used to the thought of being in one himself.

You are always there for him though. When he was trying to get used to the feeling of loving a man, especially with what he was tought most of his life.

All of the time you spent comforting and being patient with him only made him fall in love with you more.

At the moment you are comforting Steve. He just had a horrible nightmare of losing so many people, as well as the thought of losing you came with that nightmare.

Steve lay in your arms crying. He did his best not to wake you up but you had all ways been a light sleeper with motherly instincts.

"Shhh Steve you're okay, you're okay. We're both here alive and well. Nothings gonna hurt you or me, okay?" You said soothing Steve.

Steve wimpered and held you closer, hoping that you wouldn't just disappear.

You kissed the top of his head and rocked him from side to side, to the best of your abilities.

"T-they were gone. . . just like that." Steve started. "So were you. . . I couldn't even reach you in time."

"Its okay Steve. I'm right here because of you, remember?" You asked, looking down to your vulnerable lover.

Steve nodded, remembering the time he had saved you from a couple criminals that wanted to use you for money.

Another tear fell down his cheek. You lifted your hand to wipe it away with you thumb.

Your hand lingered on his cheek as you stared lovingly at your partner. Steve leaned into your hand and closed his eyes savouring your warmth and love.

"You okay now?"

Steve nodded in reply. He leaned away from your hand, missing the warmth.

"How about we get some sleep then." You suggested with a small smile on your soft lips.

Steve nodded again. He cuddled up to you and nuzzled his nose into your neck.

You smiled and wrapped your arms protectively around his waist, accepting the cuddle.

As the two of you were dozing off you heard Steve mutter, "What did I do to deserve you?"

You smiled and tightened your hold on him, not too tight, and muttered in reply, "You did alot to deserve me Steve. I love you lots, sweet dreams."

And with that the two of you fell asleep comfortable and safe in each others embrace.

Male character x Male!reader. (A.K.A yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now