Bakugou Katsuki

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Adoptive Father!Present Mic x Villain son!Reader x Bakugou.

This is also not requested.

"So you're finally awake" You heard a raspy voice say.

You were drifting in and out of consciousness attempting to keep your eyes open.

Your eyes shot open when you heard a muffled yell from in front of you.

You blinked to adjust your eyes to the sudden light.

When your eyes were all right you look up to where you here the yell come from.

You eyes widen in shock. In front of you is Bakugou Katsuki, bound like previously in the UA sports festival awards ceremony.

Your breaths quicked when you felt four familiar fingers graze your neck.

"My precious son has finally returned to me after all these years." The raspy, dry voice whispered into your ear.

Tears brimed your eyes at the thought of being in the horrible presence of your sick villain father.

Shigaraki Tomura, the man that raised you until you were taken away by the heroes you now call your parents.

"Aww you get to see your father again after being taken away and this is how you greet me?" Shigaraki asks.

You whimpered at the question. You don't want to be back here, not now, not ever.

You were brought out of your fears when you heard another muffled scream from Bakugou.

A couple tears made their way down your cheek when you realised Bakugou heard your biological father's words.

He knows.

He knows. .

He knows. . .

'God damn it why did they have to take you too Bakugou' You thought.

"Move my son over a bit will you? I have some one else to take care of" Your so called father ordered one of the villains in the room to do.

Shigaraki walked over to Bakugou and took of his muzzle.

"Since you have nowhere to go and you're already bound up, why don't you consider joining the league of villains?"

Shigaraki looked over to you, "Anyway your friend over there, my son, is already part of it you could be a kind friend and join him so he isn't lonely."

You were about to scream but one of the other villains gagged you. You ended up letting out a muffled scream.

Bakugou just glared at you, a glare of hatred and distrust. You hated that look. You got it a lot when you were younger when you went to school after being saved.

They played around and talked to Bakugou about joining, occasionaly bringing you up in the 'conversation'. In response Bakugou would just yell and decline.

After awhile they gave up on talking with Bakugou and they turned to you.

"Well if you won't listen to me just listen to him." Shigaraki said pulling the gag from your mouth.

He placed four fingers on your shoulder and ran them up to your neck.

You shivered and whimpered in fear hoping that he would just stop and let the two of you go.

That would never happen though it was just a dream bound to never happen.

He then placed both hands on your shoulders, all five fingers on your shoulders.

Male character x Male!reader. (A.K.A yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now