Leopold "Butters" Stotch

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This is not requested. And all of the characters are of age to be drinking and are in college (whatever the age is where you live).

No proof reading happened!

Stan had decided to throw a party. Everyone who able to come was invited (to everyone's surprise).

A lot of people from high school ended up attending. Even Cartman had agreed to go. (Name) wasn't much of a party goer, but hey what not to loose at a college party?

--At the Party--

(Name) stepped up to "Stan's" house, a.k.a the house Stan could get his friend to let him have for a night.

(Name) could hear music from the front lawn along with a few screams from inside. He just shook his head and walked up to the front double door.

'Fancy.' (Name) thought to himself. The (Hcolour) haired boy opens the door and is greeted with many people.

Among the huge party crowd (Name) sees Stan, along with his friend Kyle, standing not too far away. They just stand talking and looking at the people, occasionaly taking sips from their cups.

(Name) walks over to his friends, pushing away a few drunk girls along the way.

"Hey guys!" (Name) says once he reaches them.

Stan looked over to (Name) and smiled. "Long time, no see dude."

Kyle smiled as well and nods towards (Name).

"Yah! Nice party by the way." (Name) says.

"Oh I think its going to get better for you, bud." Kyle says in an odd tone. A smirk grows onto the gingers face. (Name) looked at Kyle, confused. He then lokked to Stan who giggled at his best friend.

"What do you mean?" (Name) asked genuinely confused.

Stan shook his head and grabbed (Name) by the shoulders and pointed towards a blond boy conversing with Cartman. (Name) blushed when he recognized the blond. Its his long time crush, Butters (Leopold - the name hes pretty much never called by, ever).

"You should go talk to him. Maybe get his number." Kyle whispered in (Name)'s ear.

(Name) blushed more and shook his head. "Ho-How would I even do that?" His voice cracked a bit.

"Just talk to him. He most likely misses you any way." Stan said before shoving (Name) towards Butters.

"Go get him!" The best friends shouted after (Name).

(Name) sighs and walks towards his crush.

'Deep breaths. In and out.' (Name) thinks and takes a breath. 'ARRGGHH I can't do this!!'

(Name) walks off away from Butters as well as Stan and Kyle just in case. He ends up in the kitchen. The people in there are too wild for him so he walks to the second living room.

He grabs a beer a sits on the couch. Not many people are in the living room surprisingly.

'Probably the people that don't want to really socialize.' (Name) thought.

After two more beers (Name) was getting tired. He didn't want to go to sleep, knowing if he did he would wake with multiple dicks and rude words written on his face.

(Name) feel asleep any way. . .

--A Little Later--

Kenny and Cartman loom over the sleeping (Name), sharpies in hand.

Kenny was close to drawing, what was most likely going to be a dick on (Name)'s face, when a voice stopped him.

"He-hey fellas, I-I don't think thats a very nice thing to do, especially to a sleeping person." Butters stuttered out a bit.

Stan loomed behind Butters mouthing threats to the mischievous boys. They walk away, Butters thinking it was because if him. Stan walks away, satisfied.

Butters walks over to the sleeping beauty. Dark bags under his eyes, not too dark but noticeable. Butters moves a piece of hair from (Name)'s face with a small smile.

'we should probably go before someone tries that again." Butters thinks. He take a quick glance around. He sees Craig, a trustworthy person to help him.

"Hey Craig! Could you umm. . . help me please?" Butters asks the Tucker.

Craig nods and walks over. "What do you need help with?"

"(Name) doesn't live far from here. Could you help me get him to his house? If you don't mind that is." Butters says.

Craig nods. "I'll help if I get paid."

Butters lights up and nods. Anything to help (Name) not have to be embarrassed.

Craig gently lifts (Name) over his shoulder. He doesn't mind doing this. He would have with out pay, thats just the bonus.

Craig and (Name) uses to hang out often. And from those times Craig has carried (Name) home to around 3/4ths of the times.

--Mini Skip--

"Thanks Craig!" Butters said once Craig layed (Name) down onto his bed.

"No problem." Craid said turning to walk away without his pay.

"Craig! Your money." Butters says holding out a twenty dollar bill.

"Oh right, thanks" Craig accepts the bill and walks out. A few seconds later rhe front door opens and closes.

Butters looks over to (Name), still sleeping peacefully. Butters smiles to himself. He looks around and thinks. 'Would it be okay to lay down with him or woukd that be weird?'

A light 'Ding' come from Butters' pocket making him jump. He calmed down and took his phone out of his poket. He quickly unlocks it and sees he has a message from Craig.

From: Craig
Dude its getting late you should just stay over at (Name)'s place.

A second text comes moments later.

From: Craig
And he won't mind either. You can sleep on the couch or with him, he never really cares.

To: Craig
Thanks. And be safe going home!

Butters thinks his options over. 'Sleep on the couch or with him?' Butters makes tbe mitake of looking at (Names)'s sleeping face.

Butters sighs and crawls under the blanket with (Name). Soon hes asleep under the covers with (Name).


Some time during the night (Name) had wrapped his arms around Butters' waist.

(Name) woke up before Butters. He groaned and tried to stretch but noticed Butters. Blush covered his cheeks when (Name) realized bow they were laying together.

Butters groaned and opened his eyes. The small blond looked up to see (Name) staring at him, blushing.

"Oh uhh (Name) sorry about this." Butters tried to free his very nervous self.

(Name)'s arms wrapped tighter around Butters' waist. "Its okay Butters, you're fine."

Butters calmed down after a few deep breaths. (Name)'s hand gently made its way to Butters' face.

(Name) softly caressed Butters' face. A content look on his own face.

"May I kiss you Butters?" (Name) asks.

Butters takes a moment to comprehend what he heard. Slowly he nodded.

(Name)'s lips touched Butters'. The kiss was soft, sweet, and short but it was amazing for the two of them.

(Name) smiled down at.Butters before cuddling him closer.

"We don't need to get up until later, if thats all right with toy Butters?"

Butters nodded liking that idea.

So the two cuddled until noon. Officially becoming boyfriends.


I don't feel like proof reading tonight.

Hope you liked it!

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