Link (Breath of the Wild)

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Link x Shy!Male!Reader
Art by Greywick on Instagram/YouTube, go check them out they're a great artist (they also have a shop).
This is requested by SoraCookie, thank you for requesting. Please go check out my other accouts (in my profile description).

Any way onto the reading!!

  Another day, another week, and another day at work. With Calamity Ganon becoming more powerful by the year it was harder to get money, not that hard, but getting harder we still get enough money to survive though.
  The only reason things were getting easier nowadays is because of the rumours that the hero had awakened.

  (Name) was walking around the plains a few bags with quite a bit supplies. He was to carry them to someone quite far away who had requested the supplies for an unknown reason.

  Moneys, money, (Name) thought.

  (Name) adjusted the bag on his tired shoulders. He sighed and continued walking, adjusting his bags every so often.

  "Hyaaaa!" (Name) heard a loud battle cry from not to far away. (Name) wasn't a big fan of violence or any type of conflict, so he hoped it wasn't going to get any closer to him than hearing distance.
   He attempted to continue walking but the bags were starting to wear him down even more then before.

  All (Name) wanted to do was sit under a tree and take a small nap or read. Apparently the world was against him.

  From alot closer then he had heard earlier was many war crys and monster growls. (Name) panicked and glanced to his left, he saw nothing. He whipped his head to the right and saw a small male in blue with multiple types of weapons attached to his back, along with a weird looking slate, tablet thing and a shield in the opposite hand of his sword. The male was attacking a skeletal beast.

  The beast was advancing on the small male making him move closer towards (Name), bringing the battle with them.

  (Name) backed up a few steps hoping the battle would be ended by the small male in blue and everything would be fine.

  Unexpectedly a bone from the skeletal beast had been thrown towards (Name).

  The bone wacked (Name) on the chest knocking him back and out cold.

  The blue clad male witnessed the other male get knocked out by the bone of the beast and fought harder.

He fought harder to fulfil his duty as a hero and a good person [Link wouldn't admit to finding the male attractive, at least not yet].

Link brings reader to nearest village [not home village]

~~When Reader wakes up~~

(Name) groaned as woke up. He didn't remember what happened.

Wait! Where am I? (Name) thought.

His eyes shot open only to be greeted by a bright light. His eyes instantly shot closed.

(Name) took a breath and slowly adjusted his eyes to the light.

Once his eyes adjusted to the light he looked around. He didn't recognise anything around him.

The (H colour) haired male attempted to sit up slowly, he learned his lesson before.

But as he was going to sit up fully, (Name) felt something next to him, a person.

Confused and scared (Name) poked them. No reaction. They must be really zoned out or sleeping.

For good measure (Name) poked the person again with a bit more force.

The blonde haired person jolted out of their daydream, scaring (Name) in the process.

(Name) gulped, hoping they wouldn't hurt him.

"I-I'm sorry, I di-didn't mean to scare you." (Name) stuttered out and unconsciously moved back.

The blonde. . . male? Yah male, stared wide eyed and said, " No, no you're fine. I'm fine. Its okay."

(Name)'s breathing steadied a bit, his shoulders relaxed a little too.

"You all right? That hit was pretty bad." The male infront of (Name) asked in a concerned tone.

(Name) nodded feeling heat raise to his cheeks in embarrassment.

"Thats good to hear! Any way whats your name, mines Link."

"(N-name). . ."

The blon-- no sorry, Link smiled and said, "Nice to meet you (Name)!"

"E-exuse me L-l-lin-link." (Name) said, well more mumbled.

Link's head purked up, giving his attention to (Name).

"D-did you h-h-happen to get the stuff I had w-with me?"

Link thought a moment before nodding.

The hero got up to quickly collect (Name)'s belongings.

"What is all of this stuff for anyway?" Link asked.

"J-just some work. . ." (Name) replied.

"Well if you're feeling all right I could help you get this stuff to where you were taking it." Link suggested.

(Name)'s cheeks lit up once more, "I-I. . . you would?"

Link nodded, a small bit of pink dusted his cheeks.

"W-w-well if y-y, if you don't mind." (Name) stuttered.

Link offered (Name) a hand to help him up. (Name) accepted the gesture and got up.

Link took the biggest bag and slung it over his shoulder. He then grabbed a heavy bag to carry.

(Name) was about to protest about how much Link was carrying but Link just shut him up and smiled.

A smile found itself onto (Name)'s face as he grabbed the remaining bags.

The two left after Link asked where the destination was.

Once the two had made it and (Name) collected his pay the duo decided to sit around for a bit.

(Name) sighed as he layed down. He had tried to offer Link some of his pay but Link, being the hero he is, declined.

They sat until it was dark and decided to head into a hotel [?].

And after that wild day Link and (Name) were practically inseparable.

And when Link defeated Ganon and freed Zelda he came back injured.

(Name) was right there by his side, patching him up like he had once done to (Name).

There was a few tears from (Name) when Link woke up fine.

When Link noticed (Name) crying that day he wrapped his arms around him and didn't let go.
After Link pulled away from the hug and kissed (Name) causing a nurse to be called after the male passed out.

A few days after the kiss it was official, Link and (Name) were together. Zelda approved of the couple too.

All is well for the world, for now at least. . .

Thank you so much for reading!! Remember if you want to request please request on the request page (first page).

And please if you find any mistakes or have constructive criticism say something!!

Male character x Male!reader. (A.K.A yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now