(21)Beached Pearl

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'It's hard not to be drawn to him like a moth to a flame...'

Beached Pearl

The large palace was dark and ominous as we entered

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The large palace was dark and ominous as we entered.

I dragged the cold, black shadows along with me as I stormed towards the big throne at the end of the room. My cloak vibrated from all the tension in my shoulders. I was stiff from all the fury. Hades was discussing something with Persephone and Poseidon, his back turned to the entrance. 

Poseidon was the first one to spot us. "Good, you're here- we were just about to send for you two..."

"What happened last night at the conclave?" I was livid for not being informed, my anger so great and my fear for the unknown so overwhelming that I couldn't care less about being courteous in Hades' presence.

Right now I was still the king of the Underworld, and he was on my throne. I shot them a glare; "Why is Apollo king?"

Hades and Poseidon shared an uneasy look; I gritted my teeth. Hypnos stood beside me, examining their faces. Unfortunately, we couldn't for the sake of the case let any of them know that Aries is the killer- or at least one of the killers. Just in case Poseidon, Hades or Persephone were also involved somehow.

I prayed they weren't. These were people I trusted. Still trust.

"There was a vote." Hades spoke, his booming voice loud and clear. Persephone latched her arm onto his; "There was nothing we could do to stop it."

"Apollo had gone around to every god and demi-god and buttered them up." Poseidon scoffed; "He knows he's the most viable candidate- no one saw any reason not to elect him as our new king."

"I can think of a few..." Hypnos muttered as he crossed his arms and sighed.

Persephone nodded; "None of us particularly like the man, but unfortunately we need to face the facts; between Aries and Apollo, Apollo is the lesser of two evils."

For now that was true- until we knew who the other traitor was.

"And besides," Hades sighed; "All the other gods look to him for guidance and strength. He is capable of wearing the crown, but I have a bad feeling about this."

"Me too." Poseidon nodded his head; "Look, Zeus wasn't a saint either, and if anything, Apollo is turning out to be quite a lot like his father. Hopefully he inherited some skill as a king too."

"Persephone' right..." I ran a hand through my hair, leaving it unruly and frustrated, just as I felt; "If Aries was elected, we'd all be dousing fires by now."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. My tone changed from calm to irritated; "But as for the fact that we weren't informed... Now that's just plain rude. Hades," I shifted my sharp eyes to my superior, but for the first time I didn't feel like obeying. "This needs to stop. As the primary investigator to these murders, I need to know what's happening at all times."

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