(41)Innocence as White as the night

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'Mistakes could lead to dangerous situations- mistakes could be fatal...'  

Innocence as White as the Night

"Welcome back!" Trita yelled as we stepped off the black portal, my hands flying up to embrace her

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"Welcome back!" Trita yelled as we stepped off the black portal, my hands flying up to embrace her.

She flung herself into my arms and Sonya quickly jogged up to push herself into the hug. We laughed and nearly stumbled over, the momentum of Sonya's jump almost too much for my legs to take. "I missed you guys!"

I opened my eyes and spotted Conrad and Alexus watching us. Conrad smiled softly and walked over to greet us, his white robe pressed and neat. I wish I could say the same for his office. It looked far worse now that Sa-

I froze my thoughts. Not now.

Alexus looked far less happy by the two girls holding me. She pushed through and enclosed me in a tight embrace, her smile beaming; "I'm so happy you're back!"

Trita and Sonya ignored Alexus' rude behaviour. They were far too used to it by now and to be frank, they were a little bit scared of her. Alexus didn't share very well with friends.

But it wasn't only Conrad and Alexus who made me feel slightly nervous- Hades stood in the corner too.

All three of them here.

One of them not who they appear to be.

I smiled politely at the dark lord and he nodded, far more interested in the man next to me. "Thanatos, a word."

Thanatos- or should I say, my fiancé- nodded to his master and quickly greeted the girls, but shooting a less-than polite smile to Alexus. She stared after him, something on her face amiss. I caught myself staring. Everything seemed to glow now- every move, muscle and expression was a clue, a hint to a deeper, darker centre.

Why was Alexus looking at Thanatos like that?

Why was Hades here? Didn't he hate coming up to Earth?

Why did Conrad look so happy to see us?

I kept my hands at my sides, hoping no one could see as they shook with a little bit of unease.

We had the plan ready.

It wasn't all that extensive or complicated, but it was foolproof.

And right now, no one knew how things were going to go. We needed foolproof. Mistakes could lead to dangerous situations- mistakes could be fatal.

In my pocket, I'd placed the key pendant I had found at the old fortress in the Underworld, but Thanatos and I had made a light alteration to it.

It was cursed with a simple spell.

The spell Hecate had come up with a long time ago- I'd read about it a few times before, when I was still studying to fill her place. It was called the 'tractatori', which translated to the 'manipulator' spell- or curse, in this case.

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