(50.3)We left a Pale Ruin

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'This was a game to him; and he never lost...'  

We left a Pale Ruin(Part 3)

I entered the large hall and my eyes inadvertently landed on his

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I entered the large hall and my eyes inadvertently landed on his.

The god of death and ruin sat on my throne; his hand lazily stroking the top of the disfigured sickle.

I didn't speak as I walked up towards him, his red eyes following me like the sun. They were covered by darkness, making them beam out like two beacons in the night. Even after everything I've seen him do, even after everything I knew him capable of, my feet didn't falter.

I walked towards him like a lamb to slaughter; well-aware of the power he possessed.

"My king." Thanatos said huskily, his tone laced with a small hint of irony.

It was ironic. I- the king of Olympus- stood before the throne, with him seated in it, watching over me like a hungry vulture. His eyes hawk-like and slanted down to peer over me.


Thanatos smiled slightly. He tapped his ring against the crooked blade of the once beautifully crafted sickle. "You have quite the view from up here..."

"I can spot almost everything." I said softly; knowing what was really happening.

Thanatos' smile turned twisted; "Almost."

We stared at each other.

The atmosphere turned thick with tension and I knew the trouble I'd gotten myself into, but like a ghost running towards a light, I couldn't hold myself back. That red light kept calling. And calling...

Thanatos stood up from the throne, his long, muscled legs taking the stairs one by one. Slowly, like a panther, he made his way down to my level, his eyes fixed onto mine. Intimidation was his forte'; and I was never too good at looking away from him.

Finally, Thanatos was level with me.

We were the same height; both tall men and poised in stature. His small smile was back; a smile that wasn't big enough to be called a grin, nor thin enough to be a grimace. A smirk rather; a knowing smirk.

"Your weapon, my king." I felt the sickle press against my chest.

Thanatos held it out for me to take, but there was more to it than that. He wasn't just handing over the weapon that nearly ended my empire.

No. He was handing over the goal he was given by Nyx too.

He was handing me my empire...

I moved my hand up and wrapped it around the handle of the sickle, careful not to touch Thanatos' gloved hand. He smiled softly, but as I tugged back, eager to get the sickle's blade away from my heart, Thanatos' hand clamped around mine.

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