(27)Ghostly Evasion

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In celebration of book 1 winning 3rd prize in the fantasy category of ThePenguinAwards here is an early update!

In celebration of book 1 winning 3rd prize in the fantasy category of ThePenguinAwards here is an early update!

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'I tried to keep my emotions locked down; just like before I'd met her...'

Ghostly Evasion

Four weeks into the hunt

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Four weeks into the hunt

"A good report then?" Hypnos stepped inside the large tent, taking off his gloves.

I sighed drearily, my one hand clutched in my unruly head of hair. It had gotten a lot longer- I hadn't even noticed until today, when we'd gotten back to our base camp. It was getting harder to remove the hood from my hair without tugging at most of my dark tendrils.

"I suppose. It'll have to ease him over for now." I rolled my eyes at the piece of parchment. Apollo would have to make do with what I held in my hand- a little-to-no detailed report on our past week of hunting, which I may add, was to no avail.

Sybaris had gotten smarter and stronger over the many years of entrapment, and getting to her through all her lies and hidden pathways was getting particularly annoying. We were based in the deep, dark parts of the Hoia Baciu Woods, in the North-West of Romania after a tedious month long hunt. Finally, we'd managed to corner her down in her very own citadel- if only we knew its exact location, but my men were scouring every patch of this region of Romania while I sat and tried to figure out what to say to a man I loathed more and more each passing day.

The forest was vast, with trees so high they blocked out the sun and flies so big I couldn't understand why mortals even wanted to stay on Earth. Gods, insects were infuriating...

Hypnos poured himself a bourbon from the wooden table in the centre; our map of the region rolled out next to it. I leaned back in my chair and tapped my pen against the desk; "Do you think 'Sincerely yours, now sod off' is an acceptable way to end the report?"

My brother chuckled and took a sip of the burning liquor; "I doubt he'll appreciate it..."

"Well, I don't exactly appreciate him being conceived either, but we all have annoyances to endure..."

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