(28)Smothered with Cotton

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So because of the outcry by some readers for me to add more of my own thoughts and experiences while writing the chapters, I've decided to do it a little differently than having to write a rather long and time-consuming 'Author's note' at the end of each chapter.

You can now find some of my thoughts and favourite quotes in the comment section, usually right next to the paragraph or line I'm trying to highlight or which I'm referring to.

Enjoy! Xx

'I have a feeling nothing will be the same ever again

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'I have a feeling nothing will be the same ever again...'

Smothered with Cotton

Sixth week into the hunt

Sixth week into the hunt

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"More tea, Aurora?"

I wonder just how many servants they need to keep all those bushes trimmed? Gods, this place is dull. All these people do is sit around admiring themselves... No wonder human's think they're mythological.


I snapped my head around to smile up at the goddess of beauty. Aphrodite was waiting for my answer, a servant standing next to me with a small porcelain pitcher. It was steaming with hot tea. I shook my head; "No, thank you."

I placed my empty cup back down onto the table, pretending like I'd been listening to the strawberry-haired woman talk. I was trying hard to keep my mind locked in the large, golden decorated room.

The young man bowed and left the chamber, closing the doors gently. Aphrodite smiled; "Are you alright, dear? You seem to have dazed off there for a moment..."

"I'm fine, sorry. I was just thinking."

Her round eyes filled with understanding. She looked like she knew exactly what I was thinking about. "He's fine. I wouldn't worry about him."

My eyes snapped to hers; "What-"

"Thanatos has always been more than capable. I'm sure he's almost on his way home."

If only...

I nodded politely, my smile thin.

My sixth week on Mount Olympus was coming to an end, and we weren't any closer to getting to the point of things. For the past four weeks I'd been sucking up to Aphrodite like no body's business- going out for lunch with her in the gardens, talking endlessly about dresses and shoes and trying very hard not to get annoyed when she kept trying to subtly enquire about how talented Thanatos was in bed.

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