(38)Whipped Cream

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'It frightened me; the fact that something could scare even death himself...'

Whipped Cream

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror with a wet make-up wipe in my hand

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I stood in front of my bathroom mirror with a wet make-up wipe in my hand. I gently tried to remove the little bit of black liner from my top eyelid. The air was cooler than usual, but the sherry I had with my mother outside definitely warmed me right up.

I tousled my wet hair and adjusted the strings to my pink pyjama shorts. It might be cold, but I had the feeling Thanatos would sneak into my room as soon as all the lights in the house went out, and then I'd have my own personal heater.

I smiled at my reflection. Nothing looked different at all, but I knew the real change couldn't be seen. Not only was my appearance still healthy, but now my mind too was healing and shifting back to normal.

Of course, things would never fully be the same. I still felt a linger of darkness, but I embraced it, making it work for me, instead of against me.

I hung the wet towel over the railing and switched off the lights to the bathroom, my eyes focused on the floor. My feet patted against the white washed wood, echoing into the room.

As I ran my hand trough my wet, unruly hair, my eyes shifted up and caught a pair of familiar red orbs.

But not the exact ones I was expecting...

A loud laugh burst from my mouth and my hand flew up to my mouth to stop my noisy giggles before my parents could suspect anything and come strolling in.

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest; the laughter still bubbling over; "Well look who it is..." I eyed the black cat lounging on my bed; "Hello, Mortem."

Yes, Thanatos was in the exact same form he'd been the first time he came to my house.

A large, furry, black cat.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes as he stretched out and purred; "Really? Are we having this argument again? Get off the white bedding, you asshole."

Thanatos just meowed loudly and stared at me with the closest thing to what a cat's smirk could look like. I tapped my foot against the wooden floor; "I'm serious. Besides, I'm not into beastiality..."

That made him laugh, but it sounded more like a series of oddly loud meows. I snickered and turned to turn off the light. Just as the switch flicked down and I turned back around, my eyes landed on a much more recognizable pair of red eyes.

Thanatos was lounging on my bed on his side, his head resting on his arm and a wide smirk plastered to his face. He looked smug as his deep voice vibrated through the dark room; "I thought you were a cat person?"

I chuckled and walked over to the other side of the bed, his eyes following me; "I am, but you're more demonic than feline."

Thanatos laughed and turned to face me as I scooted in under the cold covers; "Come on! Admit it! I'm adorable as a cat..."

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