6; We can burn you too

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Rin's world was dark. Pitch dark. No, actually not.

Blue flames started sprouting out everywhere.

"Where am I? " Rin questioned. He vividly watched the blue flames surrounding him.

"Okumura Rin. Sickening. I can't believe that you control us. " voices sounded out all around him, from the flames, for sure.

"Speaking of us so lowly. Be appreciative that you let you use us! Give up- surrender yourself-" they repeated.

Rin was puzzled. What's happening? The blue flames slowly gathered together and closed in on Rin.

"What're you... Get away! Don't come near me!"

"Afraid of us? Your flames? We can burn you too."

"Rin! Wake up! " he heard a voice clear as day. "Kuro...? Is this... A dream? "

"Nii-san! Nii-san! " Rin woke up to Yukio's face hanging over him.

"Yukio... " Rin's new world in a blur, he tried sitting up, but failed terribly. It ended up with Rin collapsing back on the hospital bed, gasping for air, clutching his chest.

"Not giving in? Okumura Rin... Accept us! "The blue flames spoke once again.

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! "

"Nii-san? What's wrong? "

"Huh..? "

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