18; Kirina Kayato

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WARNING: torture scene (pains me to spoil it ouch)

Black wings fluttered in its full brilliancy, tinted by bright blue flames flaring around.

"Wi-wings? " The court broke out in yet another chaos.

"Stop... Stop... Stop! Don't talk about me as if I'm some sacred machine you bastards are afraid of using! I know I've said this before, but I am Okumura Rin! Not some spooky topic you can just speak of lightly! I'm... Human too! "

Blue flames danced around menacingly, threatening to devour you.

"You devil child!"

"Calibur, give me strength. "

"Squee! Yes~Arthur, I shall~<3"

Arthur dispatched a wave of bright and pale lights, swirling around, slamming down on Rin's weak body. Rin shivered on the cold marble floor. His eyes widened as he came to a realization. He was wrong. He really was a spooky topic to be discussed. He had to be controlled. He can't control himself. That wave of helplessness passed over him again. Tears of realization trickled down Rin's chin. He was just a... wild wolf.

"Rin! Tch. " Shura called out annoyingly. He backfired all her hard work.

"Kirigakure Shura. His current actions seem to contradict your claim. Are you still sure he isn't something that needs exorcism? His actions tell otherwise. "

"I-I can assure you, he's just agitated! " Again. Yet another individual had to speak up for him. Yet another had to save his life for him. Yet another had to calm him down.

Murmurs were passed between the three of the Grigori. They had decided.

"Okumura Rin shall live. For now. But. We will have to detain him for a week to observe him. Any problems? Arthur Auguste Angel, if you would, please."

Shura clenched her fist tight. "No. "

"Yes, I shall. " Arthur muttered obeyingly. He tugged on his sword, which was still holding Rin and made his move. Rin's dull, tired eyes, glanced at the ground before him and lost all hope. He was just... Another exorcism target... That needs to be protected by others. Turning the keys to the cell, he turned for a moment to look at Shura, then turned his back again.

"What a state you have landed up on, Okumura Rin. "

Arthur released Rin from his sword and threw him back into the cell again. Rin sat still, his mind clear of any hopes and thoughts.

Shortly after, footsteps enchoed in the pathway.

"Okumura Rin, was it? I was told to pay you a visit... " Rin looked up, only to see a girl with a small built, red scarlet eyes, long blonde waving hair, and decent clothes. What was it, he had thought. He never suspected of anything that was yet to come.

The girl unlocked the cell and entered with a huge metal case, and a long wooden board, with iron pieces and black straps attached to it, trailing behind her. Rin stated at her innocently. What was about to happen... was dreadful.


Warm hands trailed down Rin's chest threateningly.

Rin hid a muffled scream in his lungs. Helplessness. Fear. Fear of what was ahead. Wooden board attached to Rin's back, as if to lecture him about his posture. Iron cuffs attached to the board, hanging onto Rin stubbornly, as if to carve its teachings onto Rin. Numerous black straps fastened on his body, as if to remind him of his constraints, that he's just a lone wild wolf.

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