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Yan Da lovingly traced the mark on her belly. Three beautiful cherry blossom flowers. She smiled sadly, remembering what occurred a while ago with the younger ice prince.

She risked her life to see him but what did she get? Rejection. Yan Da could feel the movement inside her, making her sob. She was going to tell him but now that he had made his feelings clear. She'd rather kept it to herself.

"I'm sorry," she uttered to the child inside of her. "But don't worry I'll take good care of you."

She closed her eyes in pain. It's not like Ying Kong Shi remembers anyway. What happened between them that is.

_Flash Back_

It was a quiet night. The moon is hiding behind the clouds and it was raining really hard. The fire princess was in her tent peacefully sleeping when someone barged in, waking her up. She quickly unsheathed her sword.

"Who is it?" She growled in irritation. How dare someone wake her up in the middle of the night. The figure didn't answer. It just stood there watching her.

Yan Da frowned, standing up. Lighting the candles near the person who entered her room. Her irritation turned into surprise when she saw who it was.

"Yun Fei!" She exclaimed, putting her sword down. It seems like that's what he had been waiting for. He pinned her down the bed, making sure that she couldn't reach her sword.

"Y-Yun Fei, what are you doing!? Unhand me right now!" Using all of her strength she tried to dislodged him but to no avail she couldn't.

What's going on!? Why is he so strong all of a sudden!?

"Yun Fei, let g- "She gasped in surprise, feeling him bite her neck. "Y-yun F-ei..."

She bit her lip, feeling her body respond to her servant's touches unwillingly. "Stop." She whispered but her body says another. Arching when he took one of her breast in his mouth. Roughly suckling on it like a starved child.

Yan Da moaned. Her resolve weakening. She feels ashamed and at the same time not. She'd always been curious about the things she heard from others. The pleasurable things that can be felt through another's touch. How it can turn the most arrogant people into submission...

She'd never thought about experiencing it like this though. No, not like this. In the arms of a man she barely knew. True she is attracted to him. Yun Fei is a beautiful man after all. However, she wanted to experience this with the person she'll spend the rest of her life with. The one who'll stand by her side forever.

Yan Da could feel the tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn't want this but her body betrayed her. Submitting fully to the man above him. Her strength left her body, leaving her at his mercy.

She screamed silently when he took her innocence.

Yan Da dug her nails into his palm, breaking the skin. She didn't care. The small curved wounds on his hand will stay there forever like his marks on her body it would never disappear.

"Yun Fei!" she called out in what? Desperation? Pleasure? Hate? Anger? She didn't know. She just clung to him tighter, feeling him release inside her, marking her his.

She thought that it would stop there but it didn't. That night Yun Fei took her several times. Only stopping when he saw her stomach glow signifying that he had succeeded. She's now with a child.

When Yan Da saw that he fell asleep, she quickly dressed him and herself. In a flash, Yun Fei is back in his own tent.


She still doesn't understand what happened that night. When morning came, Yun Fei acted as if nothing happened. She even asked him subtly but his answers indicated that he doesn't remember what he had done.

What am I going to do now? At least I don't have to face father and Shuo Gang for a while. Sighing, she got up from the hot spring and dressed herself. She needs to go and see a healer. 

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