The Attack

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Yuan Ji looked at the child hatefully. He didn't like it. He was supposed to be the only strongest immortal but another is born. He let Shi lived because Lotus needed him. But the child in his son's arms, he couldn't let it live. He has to kill it before it even became stronger than him and its father.


Yan Da hummed softly, putting her son to sleep. She smiled. "Lu Tian Xing," she whispered. Shi and Ka Suo decided the name. The child smiled, hearing his name.

The black mist waited patiently. It smirked. He won't fail this time. When he saw that the fire princess's breathing became soft signifying that she's asleep, he struck.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

The night was so peaceful. Most were asleep. Some were still awake watching the beautiful stars above when a piercing scream disrupted the quiet night, waking up the people in the Ice Palace.

Shi and Ka Suo quickly went to the source. Horror filled their heart. The room where Yan Da and their son is. It's on fire. Smoke was coming out from it. They tried to enter it but a strong force blocked them, making them unable to enter it.


Smoke filled the room. Fire quickly spread in Yan Da's room.

"YAN ZHU!" desperate calls could be heard from the outside. But she couldn't answer them. She could feel her body weaken. Blood continuously seeped out from her. She used her body to shield her son's body. Tian Xing was crying loudly. He could see his mother's pain.

Yan Da glared at the black fog above them. Thanks to her quick reflexes she woke up before it even touched her son.

"Heh, do you think that you can really stop me?" Yuan Ji said, readying himself to attack again. This time using a more powerful attack than the one he used before. Yan Da held Tian Xing closer, waiting for the impact.

Yuan Ji laughed evilly. His arrogant laugh was silenced though when the same light. The one that engulfed Yan Da before and saved her once again appeared, saving the mother and child. He could feel its anger. He screamed feeling it purify parts of him. He quickly left before it totally killed him.

Yan Da opened her eyes. Surprise when she saw the light. It then swirled around, opening the door before totally disappearing.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Shi and Ka Suo entered the room hurriedly. In a flash, the fire was put out.

"Yan Zhu!" Ka Suo called out in dread. She didn't look alive. She wasn't moving and blood coat her dress. Shi quickly took her to Huang Tuo while Ka Suo held Tian Xing who was still crying but now a little softer.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Huang Tuo was barely holding it together. Yan Da was barely breathing. If Ka Suo and Shi went inside the room a second later, she would already be dead.

Shi paced back and forth in the room. He was pissed. How can they be so stupid!? They left them alone. Vulnerable for attacks. He clenched his fists. Hate filled his heart for the father he would never accept. He even tried to kill Yan Da his child AGAIN! This can't happen any longer. Looking at Yan Da's unmoving form, his brother's pained expression and Tian Xing's soft sniffles, he made his decision.

Dui bu qi, Yan Da. Ge. My little Tian Xing.

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